Monday, September 23, 2024
Lies told by NATO & USA exposed by renown German journalist, Dr. Krone-Schmalz
Myths BUSTED! Brave German Journalist EXPOSES Ukraine/NATO War Lies.
Neutrality Studies
132K subscribers
173,035 views Sep 19, 2024 NDS
Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz, a German intellectual and former journalist, recently gave a highly informative talk at the "37. Pleisweiler Gespräch". Dr. Krone-Schmalz used to work as a Moscow-correspondent for Germany’s largest public broadcaster, ARD, and was also a Professor for Media Science and has emerged as one of the fiercest critics of Germany’s foolish policies vis-a-vis Russia. She is one of the people who can and does publicly lecture on the true origins of the ongoing war-fare in Europe, and she is proof that, yes, some Europeans really do know what is going on and how reckless the current political and media elite are.
I’m able to show you this in English translations thanks to the Open Access Publication of the original video, curtesy of “Nachdenkseiten” Germany’s most important independent media portal. Please consider supporting them.
Original Video in German here: • 37. Pleisweiler Gespräch mit Prof. Dr...
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Neutrality Studies
132K subscribers
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Eng Lam Yeo
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3 days ago
She’s brilliant. Germany needs people like her.
3 replies
4 days ago
Finally, people applauding for the right reasons.
4 replies
4 days ago
There are still people with integrity and the courage to speak truth in the west.
7 replies
4 days ago
Truth cannot be hidden for too long. This German lady should be listened to by all German people
16 replies
4 days ago
She should replace Scholtz-who is an embarrassment to Germany and Europe
25 replies
4 days ago
There should be more academics willing to speak out like this lady. Thank you Pascal.
5 replies
4 days ago
She speaks with clarity, focus, and balance to finally wake the Germans up...hopefully son.
1 reply
3 days ago
It is time for Germany to say NO to U.S. Imperialism!
18 replies
4 days ago
Don’t you see you are occupied by USA and so your politics.
32 replies
3 days ago
This criminal war waged on Russia and Ukraine by NATO ought to stop immediately .
Shame on humanity that behaves criminally in this day and age .
Prayers for peace.
3 replies
4 days ago
Such a relief to listen to a grown up adult for a change, after having to hear the "Russia, Russia, Russia" -chanting infantile minds on mainstream media for years. Thank you for making this speech available to non German speakers!
3 replies
3 days ago
This lady gives me hope for the world and Europe in particular. Sadly the pawns of Washington will work night and day to silence or discredit this brave woman. You know how rotten the leadership is in Washington.
2 replies
4 days ago
Great to see this. What UK US & EU are doing right now is utter madness.
1 reply
4 days ago
A sensible woman with clear explanation of Russia 🇷🇺 and its security
3 replies
3 days ago
We had all become so comfortable that we did not even notice when NATO morphed from a Defense Alliance into a Hegemonic Neocon Money Machine.
4 days ago
That's reality, That's history, That's truth! Thank you Pascal! Love and respect from Greece 🇬🇷
3 replies
4 days ago
Instead of arming Ukraine; German tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education etc.
1 reply
4 days ago
Very impressively powerful speech.
2 replies
4 days ago
Wir danken sehr ,Frau Dr, Krone-Schmalz Schmalz ,Sie ist unglaublich ️
Hello from Greece ️
4 days ago
The irony is that Germany is an occupied country, by guess who; & it's not Russia
31 replies
4 days ago
Intelligence, integrity and fact-based information - all in one package! Remarkable!
Thank you for this wonderful speech.
2 days ago (edited)
This is a must-listen to all normal people of the Collective West.
Thank you, Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz.
4 days ago
Much respect to her
4 days ago
Very brilliant explanation by a brilliant honest analyst. Deserves a distribution everywhere in the world.
3 days ago
More people, especially in the West need to hear this. Thank you for the translation to English.
3 replies
4 days ago
Thats what you call a strong woman!! Awesome
1 reply
4 days ago
Great, courageous and righteous woman!
4 days ago
We don't want US troops in Denmark 🇩🇰
We want to be sovereign!
Ami Go Home!!!
3 replies
4 days ago
This is one of the greatest speeches I have ever heard. Thank you for posting!
3 days ago
thank you for standing up for humanity
4 days ago (edited)
All of this is not new . Strange that so few Europeans are prepared to say it - thank you
8 replies
7 hours ago (edited)
We need more people like her in the world , to be sure!!!
4 days ago
I'm not German, not European but I can clearly see what is in the interest of Germany and Germans.
1 reply
4 days ago
An excellent, accurate and well informed commentary. Thank you for sharing. I wish that this speech was allowed to be shared on social media but sadly it won’t be allowed.
4 days ago
Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz says what some of us have been saying for years.
4 days ago
Such a well informed lady from Germany.
2 replies
8 hours ago
We need more of you Madam. Thank you very much for your speech.
4 days ago
Love her perseverance and standing! Always worth listening to.
2 replies
4 days ago
She is very smart, would be nice to have more Germans like her
1 reply
4 days ago
Bravo Dr Gabrielle.
6 hours ago
An absolutely comprehensive reality round-up. So refreshing to hear after a decade of lies and nonsense. Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz deserves the highest praise not only for speaking out with such an excellent presentation of the truth and reality of Russia, Ukraine and the US Empire but also for her superb calm and astute articulation of it. I hope Germans are listening, they are very close to the event horizon. It's not only the Germans who need to be listening.
4 days ago
A great program, thank you
4 days ago
Thank you so much Pascal for sharing this talk. What a clarity of analysis, integrity and accuracy. A great journalist and intellectual. ️
4 days ago
Thank you Pascal .You are doing a great service towards a future peace and to humanity overall
4 days ago
We need more voices like this German lady in Europe.
4 days ago
Europe's problem has always been the U$ regime, not any other countries!
9 replies
4 days ago
Candid and truthful
1 day ago
I am shocked. A genuine journalist not afraid to speak out.
4 days ago
Deep respect!
4 days ago
this woman really knows what shes talking about, and has written the books to prove it. LISTEN TO HER.
2 replies
4 days ago
I pray that Dr Krone-Schmalz's influence will increase and increase and increase.
4 days ago (edited)
Muddy water will be clear! Same as that lies have short legs! Slava Rusiji.
And DANKE for your work
14 hours ago
Accurate. Nice to see that not everyone is blind.
4 days ago
What an amazing person. Steadfast in her beliefs.
4 days ago
Brutal honesty
4 days ago
Wonderful lecture. Centred on facts, a lesson on journalism
4 days ago
It is a rare thing these days to hear a person speaking the truth about the real reason why all this madness is happening in the world
11 replies
4 days ago
Amazing speech! Total respect.
4 days ago
Thank you Pascal, a very good talk.
4 days ago
Fine speech
1 reply
1 day ago
It's so refreshing to listen to an educated and unbiased speech.
4 days ago
Thank you for sharing this insightful perspective!
4 days ago
I hope many people get to hear this speech!
This surely includes USA.
1 reply
4 days ago
A true journalists if only there was not more like her
2 days ago
BRAVO Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz!! The Truth needs to be brought out into the open for the Whole World to hear!!!
4 days ago
Great speech! Bravo! Thank you!
16 hours ago (edited)
Thank you, Dr. Krone-Schmalz! Funny people say that she is brave - are you really a democracy if one has to be brave to speak the truth?
4 days ago
This is one of the greatest speeches I have ever heard
1 reply
1 day ago
I have goosebumps. Mrs. Dr. Krone-Schmalz represents the beliefs and ideology we had as young students 40 years ago. I am so happy that not all of my beloved Germany has turned to dust.
4 days ago
Thank you for telling the truth.
4 days ago
Excellently and objectively said, wish this debate takes place publicly in EU
4 days ago
Extremely valuable and precise summary, thank you very much.
4 days ago
We have treated Russia abominably and the fact there are so few Russians in the west when were supposedly open borders says it all.
4 replies
4 days ago
To be free is to recognize that you are not free ,being comfortable doesn't mean you are free.
1 reply
3 days ago
Die Welt braucht mehr mutige Menschen wie sie. Viel Liebe aus Südafrika
4 days ago
One of the most intelligent analyses of this important situation.
8 hours ago
Fantastic speech
4 days ago
We have met the enemy and they are us.
1 reply
1 day ago
Brillant, das is eine intelligente frau! Danke.
4 days ago
Excellent talk
1 day ago
Democracy can only work with informed people and with the direct participation of people, that's why freedom of speach and diversity is so important for democracy and so fearfull for fascism.
1 day ago
Awesome speech; this should be mandatory viewing for Americans... and of course the Western World.
4 days ago
Wow, this woman is very brave!!!
4 days ago
Thank you for shining the light on Truth that should be told!
4 days ago
Love her! She is outspoken since ever here in Germany. Very precise with words and very knowledgable!
18 hours ago
AMEN !!!
I thought I would never hear THIS TRUTH !
Keep Freedom Of Speech ALIVE !
4 days ago
Thank you Pascal. This speech is epic
4 days ago
Peace is the way to go
1 reply
1 day ago
It's so soothing to see that in Germany people started to understand the reality. Great lecture from intelligent and brave person!
4 days ago
Russia has justified historical fears, the US has hysterical unfounded fears.
15 replies
4 days ago
One brave LADY ! now she's will be on top of the Zelensky " Hit lists " ! watch your back please ..
2 replies
4 days ago
admire her bravery, intellect and rationality! what a human!
4 days ago
Amazing and extremely knowledgeable individual. Thank you very much!!
4 days ago
amazing speech. i hope all europeans hear this .
4 days ago
Aus Frankreich danke Dr Krone-Schmalz . La vérité vaincra .
1 reply
4 days ago
Well spoken
4 days ago
Brilliant. Thanks for presenting this professional lady's views,, prof Lottaz.
3 replies
4 days ago
Incredible speech, and truth! Thank you! German people, heed the warning while you have a chance!
4 days ago
Excellent speech Pascal, a eloquent reflection on the current political reality. It is very rare to hear the naked truth from someone who comes out of mainstream media circles. Her intellectual integrity is therefore exceptional. Again proof that we who resist this current madness in the EU are not alone and she is right, why are we not protesting right now?
1 day ago
Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz. I shall remember this woman, and fully intend to dive deeper into her work. What an elegant and fine example of critical thinking, in a non-alarmist, intelligent, display of personal integrity, that is truly inspiring. Yes, I will remember this woman.
4 days ago
Thank you for the big dose of geopolitical realism
1 day ago
One of the best geopolitics uploadsThk you Pascal excellent share
4 days ago
All true...
4 days ago
A very intelligent and honest lady
4 days ago
Thank you very much. This was so necessary and important.
4 days ago
Frau Krone-Schmalz should be Bundeskanzlerin rather than the sorry excuse for a politician currently in power.
4 days ago (edited)
Her talk was good but she assumed that Russia just invaded and did not mention the 8 years of murdering ethnic Russians after the US created, funded, trained, and equipped the largest army in in Europe with the stated goal of invading Russia by the US created and army. They also funded Nazi militias who were terrorizing anyone the roving bands of Nazi gangs they hear speaking Russian when Russian is a very common language in Ukraine because much of Ukraine was Russia and especially the eastern part that had been Russia that included all Donbas and the entire east and south of the Dnieper River for 300 years until V. Lenin gifted the independent Ukraine SSR, their own Bolshevik revolution, and that gift increased the size of the Ukraine SSR by 90x. That included the manufacturing, ag and mineral extraction of the Russian population region. After WW2 Ukraine took another large area from Poland and Romania so before the war, the majority of Ukraine was made up of ethnic Russian and spoke only Russian. The US coup of 2014 ended legal used of Russian language. For 8 years the people of Donbas were attacked and slaughtered due to them not accepting the coup, and demanded the democratically elected centrist government be returned. In Feb 2022 the US had built up the coup army and sent a force of 72,000 US backed troops, many US paid mercinbaries and 12,000 Bandarite Nazi militas to swarm the border of Donbas with the stated goal as announced by the leader of the largest Nazi unit to "slaughter every man woman and child they can find". They had already murdered 16,000. All funded, trained and equipped by the US. The Donbas regions of DPR and LPR that held off the attacked for 8 years were greatly out numbered. Russia tried to call an emergency meeting of the UNSC but the US and UK vetoed it and the attack was green lighted and began at3am. Russia responded after issuing many warnings not to, by sending 54 precision missiles that blow up 54 US/NATO weapons depots. The people of Donbas declared independence following UN rules and became two new independent states DPR and LPR. They asked Russia to aid in defending the two new countries. Russia had not sent any troops but relatives in Russia, went to help during the 8 years attacks. My own girlfriend's son, a doctor, went to help in 2016-18. Every time Russia tried to bring up the topic of Donbas and the crimes of the coup, the US blocked any Motion.
My own visits to Ukraine before and after the coup ended democracy witnessed the radical change and encountered roving bands of Nazis looking for people speaking Russian to beat, rob or murder. All the books in the Universities were burned since 90% of books were printed in Russian. The 1200 statues and plaques of WW2 hereos were destroyed and replaced with 3rd Riech heros and Banda rites, all broadcast and publishing was done in Ukrainian after the coup. School children had to praise WW2 Nazis and turn in parents who spoke Russian. All this under the direction of the US Embassy. Biden and others made a lot of money by suddenly being the people to pay to get things done.
Russian troops stayed in the background will within the DPR or LPR but provided rear artillery support for the first year, while DPR and LPR militias did the majority of fighting on the ground
Russia and the entire Global Majority has given up on the US empire and have formed a new block that will not use the Dollar, and will not trade with US controlled countries, and that portion that has left the Empire has most of the resources, production and population. Next month 48 additional countries will be inducted into BRICS and a total of 108 counrtries have expressed interest in joining. Since WW2 the US has invaded, staged coups or murdered leaders 202 times since 1950, murdering at least 30,000,000 people who did nothing to the US. Soon the US will have to rule only EU, UK, Canada, US, Australia and Japan. Most likely they will abandon the UN and leave it to the US and its few subjects.
26 replies
4 days ago
Articulate and accurate. What is tragic is that people expressing these views are almost completely blocked from media in the UK. The tyranny of our democracies depends upon maintaining 'uninformed' citizens.
4 days ago
Pascal, this is quite interesting as I was always quite surprised that she was never mentioned in your programs.
4 days ago
Thank you very much for uploading this lecture with the English translation.
4 days ago
Excellent program thank you for sharing. Germany and Europe as a whole need more courageous people like Dr. Krone-Schmalz willing to share the real facts and history
1 reply
12 hours ago
So true...emotions and ideology have no place in a countries foreign policy!!!!!
4 days ago (edited)
It would be great if more people hear this and understood the history, the current issues, and the extent of the lies.
4 days ago
An absolutely brilliant, thought-provoking lecture, full of important facts that western media outlets rarely, if ever, mention at all.
4 days ago
She is good! Every line is boldly true.
1 reply
1 day ago
Being on the WRONG side of history must be a German national sport
4 days ago
I am shock there are people like this in Germany, impressive. I thought they’r all fouls over there.
2 replies
4 days ago
Thanks Pascal! As usual :)
1 day ago
Thank you so much for translating and posting this.
4 days ago
The role that western 'financial advisors' played in the economic 're-structuring' of Russia is greatly under-estimated.....
6 hours ago
Wow this lady is good and they know it. Germany please listen to her.
4 days ago
Dont forget us military is still in syria illegally. And against international law. By the way us is the biggest out law in the un charter.
1 day ago (edited)
Truer words have never been spoken.
Respect from Greece 🇬🇷
4 days ago
Respect !!!
1 day ago
"If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed." - Terence Mckenna
1 day ago
Stop the ukraine war.
4 days ago
Elegant wisdom.
3 days ago (edited)
The most complete, informed and excelent chat I have heard on this urgent topic.
4 days ago
4 days ago
"Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
Hermann Goering
From an interview in his prison cell with G.M Gilbert
18 April 1946
Just prior to his suicide to avoid execution.
1 reply
4 days ago
I am so much remembered of the dark days of the anti Vietnam war demos and fights when propaganda was "Raison d'etat" and we were beaten up and blacklisted, "radikalenerlass" barred any dissenting person from working in public service. We came full circle with the help of the SPD and Greens. Wer hat uns verraten?
4 days ago
when will Germany begin to be independent, a important decision maker in Europe.
4 days ago
Pascal thank you so much for this video. So much what she said explain the geopolitical situations happening around the world right now. Germany can be the modelled of peace keeper and rational thinker of Europe. I hope her talk can be heard around Europe.
4 days ago
Finally, rational, intelligent, and informed minds start to make inroads! Hopefully, it is not too late! God help us all!
4 days ago
very insightful talk
4 days ago
Wow what a great speech
4 days ago
Thanks Pascal for bringing this content.
3 days ago
Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz is one fascinating lady. Thank you from the US. Germany should have all US military bases and personnel removed from Germany if they want peace.
3 days ago
Frau Krone-Schmalz is sharp and impressive. Thank you for making her ideas available to English-speakers.
4 days ago
Splendid - thanks
4 days ago (edited)
I think she might be a Vulcan. She speaks logically and of peace, never mind the hairdo
1 reply
4 days ago
Very competent and brilliant presentation
4 days ago
4 days ago
Just such a shame that people of this calibre are not in Government!
To honest to be given power...
4 days ago (edited)
This is one amazingly informed and intelligent lady. Thanks to Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmaltz, and thanks to Neutrality Studies for sharing this information on this great video.
2 replies
1 day ago
NATO is the problem here not Russia
4 days ago
Thank you Pascal and Gabrielle, for this excellent, factual storying of the geopolitics leading upto the present conflict in Europe. It is indeed encouraging to know that such journalistic integrity still exists and is being made readily available to people who are concerned and careful enough to find it.
4 days ago
All I can say is it was a brilliant speech.
4 days ago
She explains things so well, and I completely agree with her analysis.
1 reply
4 days ago
️Truth be told. A woman of substance, bravery.
4 days ago
1 day ago
Very Interesting. Thank You.
4 days ago
Great contribution, thanks!
1 day ago
Excellent Reporting
4 days ago
This is a speech that should wake anyone up. Mankind unfortunately fall's into destructive pattern's of behaviour not because we don't know what is right and rong but because we lucky consideration, respect and understanding. Most of the wars are resources war's not because there is not enough resources in the world but because som believe that they are entitled to live a lavish life while others are dying in abject poverty when all we need is a better consideration. I love this lady for bringing up the things we all know already.
4 days ago
A speech the world needs to hear. Thank you for sharing.
4 days ago
Very comprehensive. Thank you.
1 day ago
Wake up Germany.
4 days ago
Bravo Pascal!
4 days ago
Thank you.
4 days ago
Thank you for this presentation!
1 day ago
You are very good !!! Thank you. Danke !!!
3 days ago
This woman deserves noble prize but the prize is always giving to us puppets we live in strange world
1 day ago
Thank you sincerely.
4 days ago
This is one of the most sensible things I have heard in a long time, and from a European perspective. Thanks.
4 days ago
Thank-you for posting this important speech.
4 days ago
wow. great speech. alot of facts there, and a lot of uncomfortable truths.
4 days ago
Super knowledgeable journalist! Incredible!
4 days ago
Brilliant !!!!!! Thank you !!!!!!
3 days ago (edited)
What a different German lady from Ursula
She makes Ursula and Analena look so insignificant
4 days ago (edited)
Bravo!!! Great reporter! exposing Nato! and American lies...
1 day ago
4 days ago
Whoa what a speech what a truthful speech indeed!!! I knew about much of the stuff she was talking about. But my word she was so articulate without faltering in any part in her voice. The only faltering steps I see now are the American and NATO Leaders coming unstuck!! Thank you Pasca..
1 day ago
Great speech, thank you
From Australia . ️.
4 days ago
Excellent! There is hope having this kind of voices! Good job Pascal! Many kudos
2 days ago
Danke Dr Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz
4 days ago
Come to the UK and speak the truth, tragically, those in power may try to prevent you from being heard.
1 day ago
VERY RARE - Better and better the longer we really listen, the better and more informative. Thank you again.
4 days ago
Thank you for your work, it's simply invaluable.
1 day ago
Thank you. Great speech full of facts. Great analysis.
4 days ago (edited)
Secure this woman she reveal what is actually going on that no one who has blind fold Them selves to “The political correct” version want to see
4 days ago
Her speech should be heard by the whole world.
4 days ago
Clever and clearsighted women - Listen well.
4 days ago
How refreshing to hear the truth from someone who has influence.
4 days ago
What Europe owes to the President of the Russian Federation
First, the conflict in Ukraine has exposed the many weaknesses of the Western model of governance. If it were not for the decisive reaction of Russia, where no one questions the key leadership role of Vladimir Putin, the Western establishment, and with it the large numbers of citizens of the so-called Western democracies, would probably live for a long time in ignorance of how weak and dependent the Western European model of governance is.
Western Europe is culturally torn, because on the one hand it suffers from a post-colonial hangover, the effects of which it tries to cure with an insane migration policy, and on the other, the West is unable to function otherwise than in the colonial mode of eternal conquest, once under the cover of the expansion of the only right faith, and today of the equally "only right" vision of democracy, understood as a fig leaf for Washington's corporate militarism.
Secondly, Vladimir Putin’s attitude shows the broad masses of Western societies how important the personal strength of character of a political leader is, which has a fundamental impact on shaping the image of power in the eyes of citizens, which in turn translates into a significant degree of trust in the government. To realize the significance of this fact, it is enough to compare the media images of such figures as Olaf Scholz, Emannuel Macron or the successive bland prime ministers of Great Britain, who change so often that it is not even worth remembering their names, with the image of the President of the Russian Federation. When Vladimir Putin speaks, the West listens, even when it does not agree. When Western leaders open their mouths in public, people laugh, even when one can basically agree with the views they proclaim. This is because it is impossible to take Western leaders seriously, especially when they try to keep a straight face.
How can you take seriously people who promote a petty swindler and sad comedian in the West as the leader of Ukrainian democracy, which he is trying to build on the compromised ideas of Bandera's pro-Nazi nationalism? Can you trust a chancellor who publicly allows himself to be humiliated, smiling foolishly when the sick and mentally weakening US president, treated like a clown even in his own office, publicly admits that blowing up German energy infrastructure is an American idea to cut off Germany from Russian energy sources that ensure economic development? Do the French respect their president, who announces in the media the idea of French military intervention in Ukraine when the French arms industry needs months to assemble a single self-propelled howitzer? How do citizens of Western countries feel when they hold in their hands an electricity bill for an amount several times higher than what they had to pay for the same amount of energy used before the outbreak of the Ukrainian adventure? Do EU citizens really believe in Brussels' propaganda of success when the President of the European Commission is dealing with the issue of financing arms supplies for a puppet pro-American regime, instead of seeking a solution to the pressing problems of the Union, which is losing its competitiveness and declining economically?
There are many examples of incompetence and ridicule of the leaders of what were until recently very exaggeratedly referred to as "Western European powers", but the point is that apart from a few cases, such as the Prime Minister of Hungary, there are no leaders in Europe who could be equal partners in conversation for the President of Russia.
Zelensky's bloody and costly bragging is possible only because the leaders of the West are weak and corrupt, and their only response to the challenges of the present is humiliating servility towards Washington, which itself is the center of strong power only through the power of media propaganda, because when it comes to producing even a little ordinary artillery ammunition, it proves powerless against corporate boards, and against China and Russia it only waves stupid lists of further sanctions, based on printing piles of unbacked dollar bills.
To a large extent, it was Vladimir Putin's policy that exposed the signaled weaknesses of the West, which is no longer able to maintain the myth of its leadership role on a global scale, and that is precisely why the President of Russia is hated by representatives of the Western establishment and at the same time admired by millions of ordinary citizens in Western Europe and America.
While Vladimir Putin and members of the Russian government discuss the new shape of the world with the leaders of China, India, Africa and the Middle East, European lackeys are jumping around the Washington autocrats who despise them. While the mutual admiration society in Europe's impoverished salons is considering inviting Russian representatives to another silly "peace summit," the Russian army is consistently crushing Western fantasies of conquering Russia and the world in Ukraine, because it is The West sees its benefits in NATO's aggressive expansion, while at the same time trying to present the President of the Russian Federation as the source of all political problems.
In my opinion, one of the great merits of Vladimir Putin's government for Europe, including the one hostile towards him and openly Russophobic, is breaking the neck of Zelensky's brown neo-Nazi usurpation, controlled from Washington. Another figurehead in the White House will not make the prices of energy and everything produced thanks to it fall in Europe and people's lives easier. No Western European leader will do this either. This can only be achieved by changing the insane pro-American and anti-Russian policy, because Russia is the Western European window to the wide world, in which the EU and the USA are "great powers" only in their own false and politically disastrous opinion.
Zelensky's insane "victory plan" is simply an American plan for the economic destruction of Europe, also implemented by the corrupt leaders of Western European capitals and the sabotaging EU leadership. By attacking Russia in the name of the vested interests of a fading Washington, the EU leaders have betrayed everything they swore to defend – having had the opportunity to throw off the hump of Washington supremacy, you have sold out to the Yankees. All they had to do was shove the Nord Stream pipe up Biden's ass so far that he could feel it in his throat. Now, thanks to your stupidity and greed, the EU can only share Ukrainian misery.
3 replies
4 days ago
Brilliant! So refreshing. Cuts through all the BS of the Western media!
3 days ago
Marshal Georgy Zhukov, said
"We have liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it".
3 days ago
One of the most rational discussions of the issues that I have listened to. Are EU leaders and politicians so zombied to be deaf to the logic, facts and reasoning. This applies to all leaders to think of the interests of the organisations and members that they lead.
4 days ago
That lady is simply brilliant in her articulation and clarity. Thank you so much for sharing. I am increasingly listening to the so called far right now for some common sense.
1 day ago
This was awesome, Pascal. Keep up the great work.
4 days ago
Thank you for this informative message
4 days ago
Well said.
For once someone is telling it as it really is.
Thank you.
4 days ago
As always, thank you for your enlightening broadcast. Good to hear and see an intelligent counter narrative to the wests media.
2 days ago
Please keep her safe my German friends
4 days ago
It's so true keep up the good work god bless you
3 days ago
A big bravo to truthful and courageous woman that gave a perfect analysis of the situation to day
1 day ago
This is the kind of journalism and reporting that makes a difference
1 day ago
It's great to hear some sane voices in western nation, especially Germany.
4 days ago
Brilliant speech
3 days ago
Marshal Georgy Zhukov said "We have liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it"...
4 days ago
23 hours ago
Outstanding analysis from genuine journalist.
4 days ago
Excellent talk thank you
4 days ago
4 days ago
Truth. She's spitting fire!
1 day ago
Amazing honest talk.this is what defending democracy and freedom of speech looks like.
4 days ago
This is brilliant. Thank you
17 hours ago
A German speaking of “the Fatherland” and condoning the invasion of a neighbouring country rings a bell.
1 reply
4 days ago
Election in USA is always be choosing between wrong and wrong.
1 reply
7 hours ago
She should speak every month in EU parlament
4 days ago
4 days ago
Great intelectual and great lady.
4 days ago
All praise to Almighty God amen.
1 day ago
This lady knows what she's talking about extremely smart and educated lady respect
4 days ago
It's funny, everyone knows the lies. The smart ones wait until the tide has turned before telling the truth.
1 day ago
This is truth. Truth is eternity
4 days ago
what a beautiful sound mind that shares ideas and communicates, rather than spreading fear and shutting down information.
4 days ago
Clear and honest. Simply brilliant!
3 days ago
She will be remembered in 100 years. They will ask themselves, why were the people as stupid as during WW2...
4 days ago
Its a low bar! But there's still no reason to listen to anyone who categorizes American warmongering & plunder as “mistakes”! As a US Vet and part of the DOD for decades, I assure you, the US spent 20yr setting up proj Ukraine! The goal? To get back to the plunder years of the 90s!
4 days ago
thank-you for sharing this, the saddest thing of all is that so few want to learn these truths
1 reply
1 day ago
Even I don't understand German, when it is spoken with passion I must take it seriously.
4 days ago
This old lady is more masculine minded than most germany male politicians. Which says a lot about the condition of the country
4 days ago
Absolutely right.
4 days ago
They must be fuming at the Pentagon.
1 reply
1 day ago
Very eloquent and informed. People like her are a sober voice that can lead this world out of its destruction.
4 days ago
Is it possible to translate it into French as well ? This will allow millions of people to access the right information.
4 days ago
4 days ago
by support zelensky, German should pay higher energy cost and they lost Russian market for German Industrial product e.g Automotives..
4 days ago
Excellent!! Thank you!!
4 days ago
German policies are the Empire's policies.
3 days ago
Excellent. For once no grand statements, no propaganda, but reasoned exposition of facts.
4 days ago
There is no independent country in Europe. It is just a colony of America. European independent thinkers are hard to find like the one here in the video.
1 reply
1 day ago
Thank you very much for this great speech
4 days ago
Dear Lady, it is sad that you do not mention the fact that Donbass ,Lougansk soldiers are fighting with russian to be free of Ukraine .
1 reply
4 days ago
Amazing. I have hope for us now.
4 days ago
A really brilliant and well evidence account of where we are with respect to Russia today and backed up by people like John Meirshhimer, Oliver Stone and Jeffrey Sachs.
Hoeever I know there is much more to this than meets the eye. We all tend to look at the tree branches but there is so much manipulation going on at the roots that culminates in many of the contradictory and disastrous policy decisions at national level.
4 days ago
Thank you for very good program. Best regards.
4 days ago
Only two things were not said by this exceptional journalist committed to factual truth. But since they are hypothetical, this is better said by someone like me than by someone like her: 1- Americans seem to be dominated by a genocidal obsession and an apocalyptic eschatological fatalism stemming from the way they eliminated the indigenous problem by eliminating Indians and from the Protestant fanaticism of the pilgrims who colonized that country; 2- at the current stage, the path of inevitable and cataclysmic total war between NATO and Russia may become irreversible as soon as a small incident occurs because the space for diplomacy has long been closed and will not be reopened by Zelensky or by Americans and Europeans. Putin said some time ago that Americans should not imagine that they can treat Russians as if they were Indians. This makes sense to him and to those who know the history of both countries, but it obviously does not make sense to the American rulers. They live or want to live immersed in a mythological bubble that excludes even the possibility of historical considerations and this seems to have already contaminated the European imagination. Great video Pascal.
4 days ago
Finally a brave and intelligent German comes forward with truth and reality
4 days ago
It seems to me that there is a huge lack of understanding surrounding the whole situation, a lack of real intelligent thought, anyone with half an ounce of sense could now ever believe Putin was overreacting to the threat Ukraine and the goings on there was, we may have been hoodwinked at the beginning of the invasion, however it is blatantly obvious by what is happening now putting the whole world at risk, Putin was right in his thinking and we have been taken to a place of danger the world has never known before. What has humanity become when this tragic state of affairs is not being fully addressed.
2 replies
4 days ago
Very impressive speech!!
4 days ago
Nato countries must be strong enough to challenge the US, UK and France on thier policy
4 days ago
Well done this is good work
4 days ago
Why is this woman not at least the chancellor in Germany?
She is more intelligent and honest than all the leadership in America and Europe put together.... what a woman, what a brain!
She must be the next UN Secretary - General. Few brains like hers exist in Europe and none at all in America.
1 reply
4 days ago
Brilliant. We should see more of her,
4 days ago
Americans use Germany they didn't beat Germany in world war 2
4 days ago (edited)
The occupation of Germany by a Rogue american crumbling empire is taking Germany to Doom...
4 days ago
Why is the UK unable to produce public intellectuals of Dr Krone-Schmalz's calibre? It is the same in relation to philosophers: Germany has given us Kant, Schopenhauer and Friedrich ******* (his surname would see my comment deleted in our totalitarian neoliberal dictatorship!) while England over the past 150 years has produced only academic philosophers whose books are read only by philosophy students who promptly forget about them after finals. Bertrand Russell owes his moderate 'fame' to moving in the right social circles and was in any case, essentially a sterile logician rather than one gifted in profound and ground-breaking critical thinking. It is a safe bet that not a SINGLE ONE of the 37,177 people who have viewed this video up to this point have READ a book by Russell, or even name one without googling the question.
The gene pool is more or less the same so is it a language thing? Do we need to learn German in order to access the full potential for critical and analytical thought of our brains?
4 days ago
I so much appreciate the wisdom, kindness, and peaceful outlook of Dr. Krone-Schmalz. Her (our) perspective is in too-short supply.
4 days ago
Dr. Gabrielle is too kind when she says that the west made mistakes in relation to Russia, the Five Eyes Alliance always saw Russia as an enemy in their way in their quest for global hegemony.
After the dissolution of the USSR the west saw Russia as an enemy who was down but not defeated, and everything they did after that was the equivalent of kicking a downed opponent in the head to make sure he would never get up again, so close but no cigar, apologies for the non diplomatic language.
4 days ago
If European countries don't change their policies there will come a time when European capitals will glow in the dark.
4 days ago
I (WE) really appreciate the English language too. Thank you.
1 day ago
Great talk, Americans should listen to this perhaps more than the Germans to gain a better understanding of the Russian perspective.
1 day ago
Brilliant Lady
An excellent analysis!
Thank you!
Most Sincerely Michael Foley
4 days ago
Brave person
1 day ago
Great speech. Only intelligent individuals can understand this lady. Keep up the good work.
3 days ago
Vielen dank madam for your courage and allowing others to benefit from your analysis and knowledge.
4 days ago
One of the best analysis I heard. It should be in national TVs around the world..
4 days ago
An extraordinary fact laden speech, bravo!!
1 day ago (edited)
I am surprised that YouTube hasn't censored this video yet. She is so right, she sees things exactly as it is. We are living in horrible life of lies
4 days ago
Thanks very much for this. It is a great help to bring perspective.
4 days ago (edited)
Well put.. Spot and I'm from the UK and totally agreed... Very well put point.. And very factual
3 days ago
I am happy to find out that there are people with integrity intellect common sense and compassion
Thank you
3 days ago
Thank you my lady, you have confirmed what I already thought, from Ireland.
3 days ago
Incredible. She's broke the myth
1 day ago
I am surprised that the intelligence agencies of certain countries, you can guess who, have not already "neutralised" this incredibly brave and well-informed journalist.
1 day ago
When the Berlin wall came down, the USSR lost and the America won. America won and became the master of Germany and Germany became a colony of America.
4 days ago
Brilliant, humane and erudite. Thank you.
17 hours ago
I wish that all English and American citizens would listen to this ... They must do all they can to stop Americas warmongering....
1 day ago (edited)
This was an excellent speech. We have too few journalists and intellectuals in the west like her. Maybe Chris Hedges, Medea Benjamin, Alistair Crooke, maybe the line up of Judge Napolitano’s channel, approach her presentational clarity and stature.
2 days ago
The peace movement needs to up its game, we're almost out of time.
17 hours ago
Very True Statement…….
1 day ago
The world doesn't run short of rational messengers, except ears finely tuned to be sensitive to common sense.
4 days ago
big thanks to you, this is outstanding media
4 days ago
Such a fresh, plain spoken, open and honest approach, I commend this lady!
We need more edumacated people like her, not to 'indoctrinate' but to 'inform' the masses.
The numbers of rationally enlightened folk are increasing thank heavens, but there are still too many who are shrouded in propaganda.
The Truth shall prevail nonetheless.. and hopefully before something goes seriously 'TWANG!' or even 'BOOOM!' with respect to world peace.
With the Domesday Clock arriving at it's most disturbing ever time reading ninety-seconds before midnight, I live in hope that logic and sanity will yet prevail..
Keep the dialogue open folks!
4 days ago
The world and politics need more intelligent leaders like Dr Gabrielle
4 days ago
4 days ago
Putin repeatedly warned that he did not want to invade Ukraine but the west and America refused to listen. She is so clever.
1 day ago
Thanks for this post. Facinating talk. America always seems to find "suitable" leaders after these democratic "regime changes".
4 days ago
Absolutely wonderful speech! Thank God there is sanity in Germany!
1 day ago
This is a really great eye-opener.
3 days ago
What an excellent analysis and presented with all the information needed to understand the truth about this intervention.
1 day ago
I’m amazed this is still on the internet.
1 day ago
The world's been corrupted by Schwab and his side kicks
4 days ago
Speech should be mandatory material for presentation and discussion in our national parliaments. Hope that peace will soon prevail.
4 days ago
Unfortunately, there are very few countries that have a comprehensively informed populace. This is why liberal democracy does not work well in general.
4 days ago
Great talk!!!
4 days ago
Every citizen of the west who is still buying the bs of western media regarding the russian-ukranian conflict needs to see this
1 day ago
YES! Maybe she can wake up America people.
1 day ago (edited)
freedom of speech and ( full truth in newspapers with all available information ) citizen must be informed without that they are unable to function in a democracy. Without this -there is No democracy.
4 days ago
An excellent and well needed analysis.
4 days ago
Happy to meet German with a brain ,
4 days ago
A brilliant intellectual telling it as it is. All Europeans should listen to her speech.
4 days ago
Boris Johnson has a lot to answer for.
1 reply
1 day ago
Democracy not only depends on the informed citizen, but also ob an honest and un corrupt administration
1 day ago
Thank you Pascal for your work and she is a competent and brilliant woman. It is incredible, the world at the contrary. You should see how Jens Stoltenberg is celebrated as an hero in Norway. Ten years of wars, hate, violence and lies, but Stoltenberg is a hero... Thanks to Russia that is trying to change the world also for us. 🇷🇺
Norwegians instead of following Stoltenberg should listen more to Glenn Diesen
2 days ago
She is one of the smartest women and has the best personality and integrity, I wish people like her would be our leader ️️️!
4 days ago
This lady should run for the presidents office. She is fair in what she says.and loves her country which she sees being destroyed by American policies.
4 days ago
Great eye opener. I hope European will band together for their own well-being of the future standing for peace and prosperity.
1 day ago
Hope they dont arrest her...yup they are doind it in Germany.
4 days ago
Thanks a lot for the transcription, she's worth it by all means. I didn't know what happened into the Soviet Union, at the end.
2 days ago
Lady! I don’t know why you are. Well until I come across this speech. However, thank you for putting it so clearly and accurately, you left me speechless. Once again thank you,I it. Kind regards, and best wishes from Canberra.
4 days ago
Courageous clever woman! Well done! What a pity there are not more people like her....
4 days ago
Excellent share , thank you NS...
4 days ago
4 days ago (edited)
Germany will be FREE SOON !! And Europa !! This Lady deserve Nobel for PEACE !! Hope for PEACE !!
4 days ago
And vote those politicians who support this policy out of government
10 hours ago
I quit watching any msm since … at least 15 years ago. Just too much lies.
4 days ago
Ukraina in its Declaration on State Sovereignty from 1990., Ukraine said in Article 9 that it would not accede to the blocs: "The Ukrainian SSR solemnly declares its intention to become a permanently neutral state in the future, which does not participate in military blocs and adheres to three non-nuclear principles: not to receive, not to produce and not to acquire nuclear weapons."
4 days ago
So, there are some good and smart people left ️
2 days ago
It speaks volumes, of course, that this award-winning freelance journalist (once she was a correspondent in Moscow for German TV)
no longer appears on today's television and the dominant daily press, she can no longer be heard in mainstream media. If her books were not so successful, she would be financially ruined. These are the clear signs of informal censorship, which does not take place according to the German constitution.
Pascal Lottaz offers her and us a platform to obtain substantial informations that are not discussed in public. Thank you Pascal!
4 days ago
Lady who dares to speak the truth. Their men in the Bundestag got no b*lls!
4 days ago
You are GREAT Madam!!!
2 days ago
What a devastating speech and explanation regarding the real reasons which never proclaimed by any other western media. Very bold decision to speak in public. God bless you.
4 days ago
4 days ago
Absolutely correct. The USA and nato are totally responsible
4 days ago
Absolutely fact based analysis of historical evidence. Always a pleasure to listen to clear and concise retrospective of events and consequences
16 hours ago (edited)
Hurray someone speaks the truth
1 day ago
Germans should get rid of Uncle Sam's politics and military influences in their country.
4 days ago
Russia has a winning military strategy, Ukraine and NATO have a PR strategy. The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
2 days ago
Thanks for your input ️
4 days ago
Thank you for this talk!!
3 days ago
viel und danke...!
4 days ago
Putin and Xi have finally said enough ! BRICS has the US now in a defensive position. They thought Russia would collapse against a NATO trained army. Boy were they wrong
3 days ago
4 days ago
Thanks for this - very informing to listen to her perspective, that certainly challenge the traditional NATO-lines, our western politicians are spreading.
4 days ago
A beautiful summary of American evil
4 days ago
NATO lying?? Who'd of thunk it
2 days ago
Lady! I don’t know why you are. Well until I come across this speech. However, thank you for putting it so clearly and accurately, you left me speechless. Once again thank you,I it. Kind regards, and best wishes from Canberra.
4 days ago
I am really grateful you gave us this excellent analyses that truly helped me to fill the gaps and consolidate my opinion over the war in Ukraine.
4 days ago
note to interpreter: in the US we would say, "Russia-lover!" We don't even talk about understanding anymore.
3 days ago
SAR 7.99
Absolutely brilliant work Pascal!
I love these translated interviews like this one and the one with Patrik baab
1 day ago
Last chance for Germany to exist as a country frm SA
4 days ago
Thank you MaM. I love you
3 days ago
So many Truths it hurts and pains me that it's all about destroying Eurasia.
4 days ago
A very intelligent woman.
Eine grosse Dame Sie sollte Aussenministerin sein durch ihre Riesenkenntnisse
4 hours ago
Excellent! These arguments shall be heard by as many as possible.
4 days ago
Wow! What an amazing talk. So much good information and perspective in an hour. Just Wow!
4 days ago
Most people just have "opinions", some have deep knowledge and insights that form the foundation of their opinion. Gabriele Krone clearly falls in this category.
4 days ago
They will want to cancel her, big time. This much knowledge and truth is dangerous for the current ruling elite.
4 days ago
With more people like her, there will be hope for peace.
4 days ago
4 days ago (edited)
Way too sensible. Actually frightening to hear so much sense, it doesn't feel possible.
1 day ago (edited)
Can someone like and comment on my comment so that i can come back and listen to this beautiful and important speech by this madam Professor Dr. Gabriele Krone-Schmalz
1 reply
10 hours ago
Absolutely brilliant!!! Well done for telling it like it is!!!! 🇿🇦SA
4 hours ago
Finally someone recognizes the situation as it is!!!
4 days ago
Amazing that this video is still on youtube!
4 days ago (edited)
You can't expect an argument when either of the two parties are misinformed , disinterested, apathetic, or poorly educated. Which is the existing condition of the Western populus thanks to controlled education. Most people in the US think that Russia started WWII.
4 days ago
Thanks atlest there are people who speak the truth....
4 days ago
Well spoken.............
15 hours ago
My salute to the lady journalist for exposing the Americans' war agenda against world peace!
4 days ago
This is a very good presentation, hope the world will listen to it and understand why Russia needs to defend itself against NATO expansion and started the fight in Ukraine. Who to blame ? US ?
4 days ago
Excellent speech. Great show
4 days ago
She said if things gos out of control Germany and surrounding will be the battlefields not China not Brazil, not USA. What did your government say about that?
16 hours ago
You must have a very strong character to diffuse lies and distortions like these.
4 days ago
As upright in thinking as her posture.
May the applause translate into activism.
4 days ago
Excellent lecture Thank you
11 hours ago
She speaks truth! Especially about being educated and informed to make good decisions rather than political agendas.
3 days ago
One loud voice of reason
4 days ago
I need truth This is Truth
4 days ago
Thank you Pascal.
1 day ago
Germany’s enemies live In Germany and not in Russia.
1 reply
3 days ago
13 hours ago
Dr. Krone-Schmalz thank you for existing and telling the truth. humbling truth it is thanks again. Hopefully it will open the eyes a little more
4 days ago
Russia was attscked by Poland, Sweden, England , France andc Germanny over the centuries.
4 days ago
Good for standing up for what right but a bit too late at this point
4 days ago
Fabulous address, the past and present, the ties and agreements, and the need for the Military Industrial Complex US and World Wide, to be firmly addressed-to be rationalized-the need for the likes of the CIA and many many such Agencies, to be addressed, to be rationalized-and right now all such are completely out of control-playing gods, we are gods unto ourselves.
4 days ago
Fact based analysis
4 days ago
For german to station US missile is to offer her territory as battle ground for Russia and US
4 days ago
She’s done her homework. There is still hope for Germany then.
14 hours ago
Thanks for letting them know
4 days ago
Very good speech, danke sehr!
4 days ago
Superb. Thank you.
4 days ago
Gabriele Krone-Schmalz is one of Germany's foremost thinkers of today. She started her speech with a quote of Heinrich Heine, another one of Germany's great thinkers but of many years ago. Here is another famous quote of Heine:
Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht,
bin ich um meinen Schlaf gebracht.
(When I think of Germany at night,
I am deprived of my sleep.)
It's timeless and fits Germany of today perfectly.
4 days ago
Thank you
1 day ago
A sober/reasonable analysis of the situation, which is unfortunately headed by a ridiculous title ("BUSTED!" etc).
1 reply
17 hours ago
America and its sidekick the UK started this war..
4 days ago
Thank you Dr Lottaz.
3 days ago
4 days ago
2 days ago
Compare this woman to Kamala Harris...who would make a better POTUS?
2 days ago
This woman is a hero and righteous
1 day ago
Thank you for posting this. Sadly, many people no longer have an attention span long enough to learn from this excellent presentation.
3 days ago
The two countries that voted against the resolution were the United States and Ukraine"
"UN Resolution A/RES/75/169, which addresses the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and other practices that contribute to racism and intolerance, was adopted on December 16, 2020. The resolution saw 130 votes in favor, 2 votes against, and 51 abstentions1.“
17 hours ago
Germany is a colony of USA is not a free country
1 reply
3 hours ago
This lady is absolutely spot on. How refreshing to hear a politian tell it how it is. Love it, if only others had similar guts. America is the biggest problem globally. They have to have an "enemy" to justify their defence expenditure. No enemy, no money.
1 day ago
Extremely insightful lady!
4 days ago
Who can forget that haircut? Besides that she gives an excellent analysis of the situation. Germany could use a foreign minister like her.
4 days ago
DANKE !!!!!!!
12 hours ago
Thx, an needed saga, Gabrielle
3 days ago
an amazing speech.
4 days ago
She's brave, why is she not in prison yet, given she criticised the country which can not be named.
In any event, most people will refuse to believe what she says.
The big question is now, after all of those people applauding her statement that everyone there should be on the streets protesting, how many will?
4 days ago
thank you
4 days ago
Incredibly good insights in this speech
1 day ago
Calling Dr. Krone-Schmalz, a mere journalist, is, in my opinion, disrespectful.
1 reply
4 days ago
Eurasia I.e. Europe with Russia is the US UK target
1 day ago
The parting comment from the NATO chief never mentioned dialogue, to bring the conflict to a end, it was a provacation. Calling for US long range missiles that reach deep into Russian territory..
4 days ago
More democracy in Russia than in Jan. 6 .
4 days ago
Ukraine committed a colossal mistake when it relied on friends beside whom you don't need an enemy.
Their biggest mistake was they did not decide to stay neutral (prior 2014) or did not sign Minsk treaty 2015 or Istanbul agreement on 2022. and after that (especially stay neutral prior 2014) to behave like the former Yugoslavia, which flirted with the West and the East, was in bed with both and never married either, but found a new lover in the movement of Non-Aligned Countries (over 100 countries), instead they decided to go with a murderous combination of destroying the country and destroying its own population.
They should have agreed to be neutral (prior to 2014), enter the EU and enjoy the benefits of two seducers (sponsors) who try their best to get into her panties.
Instead they accepted a poisonous apple on a plate, beautiful, red juicy: At the NATO summit in Bucharest in 2008 when Bush invited Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO and the USA supported the MAP plan for NATO.
They ignored warning issued by at 2008 by US ambassador to Russia, today the head of the CIA, Burns who send a letter to State Department that "No means No" (Njet means Njet) regarding Ukraine's membership in NATO, and that it is red line for Russia
Then they allowed Geofrey Piat and Victoria Nuland to decide who will be in Ukrains government.
Imagine that at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, Sergei Lavrov was handing out donuts to supporters of Donald Trump, US would treat that as an coup.
In 2019. Zelensky and Ukraine change the Constitution of Ukraine and put the path to NATO as a constitutional provision
4 days ago
Amazing lecture
3 days ago
Thank you for this English translation!
10 hours ago
Thank you all for this sincerely put inspiration and insight.
4 days ago
Scholz, like Starmer in the UK, Macron in France and Harris in the US, all embody the phrase, 'weak 'men' produce hard times'.
2 hours ago
I applaud this women. Her reporting is honest and from what I have discerned of the war in Ukraine that began immediately following regime change and installation of the US Puppet regime in Kiev in 2014.
Also she is 100% correct; countries should seek their own self interest. Unfortunately as far as I can tell, not one government in the west is seeking its self interest if that phrase is defined is defined as "what is best for the population".
At least I can say that in the United States, the government seeks the oligarchs self interest- the people be damned!
2 days ago
An illuminating presentation!
6 hours ago
Russia: 11 Military Bases.
USA: OVER 700 Military Bases.
4 days ago
It is interesting that noone talks about president Mikhail Gorbachev famouse speach in American Congress (15/4/1997) when he cautioned the US Congress against the planned expansion of NATO.
"Russia - Gorbachev comments on NATO expansion"
He claimed that it would be a mistake to expand the alliance without an agreement not to deploy nuclear weapons and combat troops in new member countries.
Gorbachev told Congress that the inclusion in NATO of former
Soviet bloc nations Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic could
strengthen conservative sentiment in Russia.
Without naming China, he said a new power was emerging in the
Pacific that needs to be balanced by the US and by a Europe that
includes Russia.
He said he was not convinced by assurances that Russia had
nothing to fear from NATO expansion. In the post-Cold War era,
he said, NATO should not treat Russia as the victorious allies
severely restrained Germany after World War I.
4 days ago
But many western politicians were also involved in intelligence too .
3 days ago
This intelligent and courageous woman must be protected at all cost, the US will call her Russia sympathizer and call her propaganda names and get hated.
20 hours ago
Thanks for posting!
1 day ago
Very good. Excellent even, but nothing is that simple. There are nuances outside of all this. Like where humanity is going and what is it's aim. As in what is our noble future. There
is none that I can think of. It seems to me war is inevitable.
2 days ago
Excellent address!
4 days ago
I really wish the title for this video was actually neutral. Without those propagandistic "BUSTED", "EXPOSED", "lies" etc. Something like "Geopolitics and historical background of the Russo-Ukrainian war" would fit far better. I can't show this to my European friends only because it will be perceived as biased from the get go. Very unfortunate since this could have been actually very educational for the western people.
1 day ago
Thank you very much for the Translated video.
3 days ago
Thank you very much for sharing this
2 days ago
Brilliant and true.
7 hours ago
The people seated listening to this well thought out speech ( based on hair color) are the older generation and keep an open mind, too bad the younger people didn't take the time to attend and listen
4 days ago
Excelente, lúcido discuso. Espero que tenha iluminado uns tantos ainda alienados pela propaganda da Midia americana
3 days ago
Although IMHO Germany is no more important in Geopolitics then Poland or to a lessor degree Austria as it is simply a lackey of Washington. This scholar is erudite and worth listening to.
Her forensic analysis of Russia concurrently is something one rarely hears outside erudite domains like Neutrality studies. For example: what is the hypocrisy that sustains the West via nato/neocons that Russia is out to occupy them with only11 bases around its 11,000 km perimeter vs. the usa with 800 bases on every footstool on the globe including the lapdogs on Russia's threshold like the Baltic States. My hope is that her message would resonate further then or those of us precious few who delve into critical analyisis and independent thought derivatives not MSM propaganda.
18 hours ago
13 hours ago
9 hours ago
Madam, thank you for your views on this war situation
4 days ago
Great talk!
4 days ago
Insightful thanks for sharing. It’s channels like yours that give us lay people hope
4 days ago
Russia was attscked by Poland, Sweden, England , France andc Germanny over the centuries.
1 day ago
Great works , very brave journalist. I hope the German and more European will fire their war mongers politician and being a Yankee puppies
16 hours ago
If i say something right that pleases the wrong people then the right thing doesn't automatically become wrong.
1 hour ago
Thank you.
18 hours ago
Thank you for speaking the truth, a skill that is currently not welcomed and often despised. As an academic I believe every word to be true, there is hope and I look forward to others following suit.
The WEF has its ever expanding propaganda and grip on the West, I hope it's ready for the fight back.
1 day ago
The only few true human woman on earth.
1 day ago
Thankfully still decent folks exist!
4 days ago
Read about journalist Udo Ulfotte. RIP, Sir.
22 hours ago
1 day ago
Get US out of the EU
2 days ago
The Shultz silence about us sabotage of gas pipelines is very concerning
4 days ago
Brilliant!! Tk you v much for arranging for the translation and posting the address of Dr. Krone-Schmalz.
4 days ago
Dr. Gabriele Krone Schmalz is a national treasure!!
The "Nachdenkseiten" is a WONDERFUL channel. Old European intellectual discourse, not the stupid memes of brainwashed idiots!
4 days ago
Another good video, Pascal.
4 days ago
Well said Dr Gabrielle;-), the EU should wake up America does not care about Europe it's not them who will take the punishment
4 days ago
New insights
4 days ago
perception of threat is as good as threat in history and today. "Hypersonic means never having time to stay you're sorry!"
1 day ago
Love the truth
3 days ago
3 days ago
I haven't seen Germany's FM Annalena Baerbock ( 360 ) in the audience ! Or Olaf Scholz , the Bundeskanzler ! Lot's to learn ! And send the video to the US PARLAMENT WARMONGERS !
4 days ago
All the former Soviet states were systematically asset stripped after their dissolution. Putin was one who put a stop to this and was largely supported. Interestly, it's the Communists who are the second most popular party, does the West prefer them to Putin's national party? Great speech, thanks for posting.
1 day ago
Still have a hope for Germans...
3 days ago
A foundation of peace starts with dialog.
14 hours ago
86 years ago, Neville Chamberlain bring peace to UK and Europe and was hailed by the crowds. This lady fight for similar kind of peace.
3 days ago
What's up with the youth in Germany? Aren't they protesting en masse?
3 days ago
Youtube!! Take this video down! You can’t let the truth come out
1 day ago
When I came to Germany in the 70s...
She worked in Russia and came to the ARD German station every night...
Her weird hairstyle stayed in my mind forever..
She stayed in Russia forever...
So, don't be surprised if her heart is with Russia...
1 day ago
absolute truth! NATO made an enemy out of Russia and we did not start this way in 1990
4 days ago
Muito bom! Vendo do Brasil!🇧🇷
1 day ago
Great speech - thank you
15 minutes ago
The world needs to believe this excellent explanation of world affairs.
Many Americans are realizing the truth and believe that it is time for America to take better care of Americans and close their many bases throughout the world. Endless wars benefit very few, certainly not ordinary citizens. Education, health and peaceful interaction between countries would allow the natural world and people throughout the world to recover their mental equilibrium.
2 days ago
This lady should replace Annalena Baerbock.
4 days ago
The really, really crazy thing is the historical revisionism that is being carried out . And how easy it takes hold in the heads of soso many people . I have seen that talk, and the Q&A Seesion . Everything she was talking about, everything she mentioned, re. Mr. Putin, Russian politics since the 1990s etc....all of this is well documented . Its historically undebatable .
Yet, millions upon millions of people in Europe have fallen for the purest, simplest, most easy to identify propgandastic tricks, to the point that many now seem to be eager for MORE War .
Its difficult to not go crazy amongst all this .
1 day ago
The ukraonian people should seek yhe arrest of thpse perspns that stoped the truce betwren rusxia and ukraine
1 reply
4 days ago
Great lecture. I really appreciate how she went back to the collapse of the Soviet Union and highlighted how that and all of the western schemes that followed affected the Russian psyche and destroyed trust as well as painted a clear picture for the Russians as to what the western goals were in regards to their intentions towards Russia and ex soviet states. I would also argue that one could even begin this study from the point of WW2 when the west via MI6 and CIA began harvesting Ukrainian na zi's and using them as pawns against the USSR rather than turning them over for trial. That went on from 1945 right up to 2014 and and beyond. As evidenced in US National archives and noted as such in the paper "Hitlers Shadow". I am very certain that Russia was well aware of who these Ukrainian proxies were and who was responsible for grooming them and for what purpose.
16 hours ago
Powerful stuff, someone who understands bias, media manipulution and cause and effect.
So many pro Ukrainian tube watchers would label her as a Russian bot or troll, except she would silence them into shame.
2 days ago
Translate this video in ALL languages.
Who can do that should should act now, in the name of truth and humanity.
4 days ago
I think I have to get in Politics , get Russia as a part of a new European Union , Britain can remain on the side of USA if they want, but the new Europe will be much stronger and will not follow Washington, In fact , Washington will follow and hear the new EU .
1 day ago
'Neutrality studies' ? How apt.
4 days ago
She better be careful now, she educate the masses!
15 hours ago
This lady should run for running the German government as the MP as she sounds like more that's she would work for the people and truth need more people like her telling it as it is .
2 hours ago
Do the Germans and other puppets have the guts to listen to her ?
1 day ago
The language of the subtittles is wrong. The voice is english and the subtittles are german.
4 days ago
'We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves'
4 days ago
3 days ago
What Boris Johnson did on 9 April is beyond redemption.
1 reply
1 day ago (edited)
Subscribed, thank you for your work!
1 day ago
Great piece! Pity it will be lost with the algorithm..
1 day ago
From my observation and understanding the US regimes double standards and hypocrisy shamelessly has no bounds, shame, shame
8 hours ago
Thank you ma’am, bravery here, and proud Germanic culture that has been shamed by past being weaponized! Now it’s being done to Russia , people are people. And if we had true democracy we could communicate with Russian civilians and prevented war and found peaceful solutions, but keep them ignorant. Desperate and isolated! Unhealthy globalization when they already have everything! They want more?
1 day ago
Krone-Schmalz worked at the Moscow studio of ARD broadcasting from 1987 to 1992. Between 1992 and 1997, she hosted the world culture programming of the ARD.
In 2008 she was awarded the prestigious Pushkin Medal of the Russian Federation.
She is sometimes described as Putinversteher and as a "mouthpiece of Putin's propaganda"
Putinversteher or Putin-Versteher (female form Putinversteherin) is a German neologism and a political buzzword (Putin + verstehen), which literally translates "Putin understander", i.e. "one who understands Putin". It is a pejorative reference to politicians and pundits who express empathy for Vladimir Putin and may also be translated as "Putin-Empathizer". Similar words are Russlandversteher or Russland-Versteher ("Russia-Empathizer").
Her heart hears Putin....
1 day ago
The sins of the fathers is now being acted upon in both Russia and Europe . Stalin was no friend of Europe .
44 minutes ago
The last time the US pulled together as one crew propelling the ship call ‘Democracy,’ was in WW2.. my grandfather’s generation. Since that time education has splintered, the government has not prioritized the needs and will of the people, and we seem to have lost our collective identity.. and now democracy is in jeopardy and candidates like the Republican Party nominee are offered up.. we need a new generation of elected officials.. all under fifty.
1 day ago
This is a fair explanation of why there is conflict in Ukraine. "War is the continuation of politics." In this sense, war is politics and war itself is a political action; since ancient times there has never been a war that did not have a political character.... However, war has its own particular characteristics and in this sense, it cannot be equated with politics in general. "War is the continuation of politics by other . . . means." When politics develops to a certain stage beyond which it cannot proceed by the usual means, war breaks out to sweep the obstacles from the way.... When the obstacle is removed and our political aim attained the war will stop. Nevertheless, if the obstacle is not completely swept away, the war will have to continue until the aim is fully accomplished.... It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
"On Protracted War" (May 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, pp. 152-53 *
3 days ago
She forgot the Crimean war where Ottomans and Brits attack Crimea. The ideology there is "If we cut Russia from Baltic it is not great power anymore."
4 days ago
Interesting how this parallels Dr Jeffery Sachs' recounting of the 90's in Russia.
8 hours ago
And it’s hard to make decisions when fighting for food, water, shelter and not being attacked thru every non kinetic weapon imaginable
1 day ago
When a small fish wants to discuss shark behaviour, that small fish risks being eaten by sharks.
3 days ago
Utter shock to hear that being broadcast in Germany. I wonder if it ever makes it to the mainstream media. I have a young nephew (18 y.o.) who was born and raised in Munich and would consider all this to be pure heresy.
1 day ago
weve never been so informed and documented about our possible future luck and never so much silenced
1 day ago
Some people have been attacking Russia...over 400 years. Poles 1600, Charles 12, Napoleon, UK Crimea and H1tler.
4 days ago (edited)
"The crimes commited by the soviet union " sounds pretty cynical spoken by a german whose country massacred more than 27 millions soviets. Plus the soviets supported almost every independence and anticolonial movement for 70 years whilst germany supported every colonial ,fascist , militaristic movement across the world.
Plus Germany, lime Italy, like Japan, like south Korea are occupied by the US military since 79 years..
2 days ago (edited)
In war, the state gives cannons, the rich gives oxen,
and the poor gives sons,
so after the war, the state takes the cannons, the rich get new oxen,
and the poor get graves.
10 hours ago
Ah, a truth speaker, they are normally older and not armed with a mobile phone in their hands 24/7, unlike those younger people!
1 day ago
I couldn’t hold it. She must be a Vulcan
3 days ago
If world had more peaple like this women comedian will be play on the street not in parliament.
6 hours ago
Germany under siege, sadly. I love Germany.
7 hours ago
It is interesting that NATO with the US as the frontrunner has expanded NATO continuously since the early 90s BUT what would happen if Russia decided to expand its presence on Cuba?
8 hours ago
4 hours ago
Arroganz, Irrationalität, Dummheit, Egoismus, Machtstreben, Kurzsichtigkeit, Boshaftigkeit, fehlende Diplomatie, Verantwortungslosigkeit, und extreme Gottlosigkeit das ist es was den Westen derzeit prägt. Den Fluch des Elia spreche ich über den Westen aus im Namen des höchsten Gottes YHWH, Amen.
4 days ago
This journalist should lead the EU and not Ms von der Leyen.
2 days ago
War is ugly. But the US keeps getting involved.
4 days ago
Is Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz locked up in Prison by now?? Germany is a Police State under Scholz, so I will be very surprised if Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz is still free after this lecture.
3 days ago
Donald Trump is the most American president ever. Donald Trump is the most American person even, He's a showman, He's Smart, He's funny, He's charming, He's disloyal, He's Vulgar, He can be a bit Crass, He's Selfish, He's narcissistic, He's street smart, he can be blunt, He knows things broadly, he's doesn't know anything specifically, he has vague knowledge of anything, he has a high self image of himself, he likes to brag about himself and his money (very much an American quality), he's unapologetic, he's a bundle of contradiction, and He's amazingly fit for a guy who eats horrible food.
He's right on few things and he's wrong on few things. Like most American's he has an image of being dumb and stupid.
In a weird sort of way, He's a symptom of where America is and a microcosm of what America is.
People who like him, like him for who he is, people who dislike him, dislike for who he is. People who hate him, hate him for who he is and what he represents, In a way they hate themselves and (hate the ugly parts of America and they see the ugly parts of America in him), and the Americans who love him, love him for who he is.
People try to argue policy difference between Democrat and Republican.
But, Post Cold war America' policies haven't changed much, George Bush sr, Bill Clinton, George Bush jr, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden have pretty much the same policies with some minor differences here and there.
Infact, Donald Trump ruled in pretty much like the Romney Ryan model. Obviously there is a difference in foreign policy, for which he gets push back from the establishment which thinks America should be the "Global Policeman of the world" and never allow itself to be the second biggest power in the world which is the Nixon model.(Widely accepted notion on both sides Democrat and Republican as well as on the Right and Left).
Because, America likes to be the Global Policeman of the World, they just don't like to admit it, that they like to be the Global Policeman of the world.
15 hours ago
As far as i am concern,all is first the education,and all others,comes after,i like to extend my Bravo,for the history,and analysis,u made,.,
4 days ago
Please Please Please watch this if you are a European or care about the future generations of Europeans
17 hours ago
15:30 heartwarming!
4 days ago
This is by far the most incisive presentation I've listened to this year. "Explaining does not mean condoning" is such a simple thing to comprehend. We have sunk into an era of canceling each other to the point of proposing dialogue has become a danger in itself to the belligerents, who have clothed themselves in the false immortality of the might that their munitions convey.
A greater, more sinister phenomenon at play is what is also manifest in the form of Western hegemony in West Asia, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America: that is, that there are no lessons to be learned from history, whether it be in the form of failed military escapades, world wars (2 of them so far) or the need for dialogue, with the UN at its center. Simple logic dictates that peace negotiations take place between belligerents and not friends. Instead, the West, primarily, wants to subjugate the UN-generated rules with that of its own rules-based international order, where they make the rules and then order the rest of the world around.
Thank you, Pascal, for making this translation available. More power to common sense!
18 hours ago
Love Your Neighbor………
4 days ago
“GREAT” Britain? I don’t think so.
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
Great commentator, I hope her next expose would be about Germany today, and its "relationship" with the US and UK, a relationship certain ly not of equals.
2 days ago
Come on people wake up get rid of the warrior leaders Jill Stein for POTUS ,!
4 days ago
Finally someone talking some real ish
4 days ago
And yet I don't understand why they don't talk about stopping the fighting en masse? The most obvious thing is that the main thing is to stop the war. And, accordingly, everyone who shouts about the supply of weapons to the parties to the conflict is interested in anything, but not in stopping the fighting. It's as clear as day to me.
1 day ago
Dearest Pascal, it's "courtesy OF". Sorry, pedantry oblige. . Bless you brother and peaceful Sunday. Thank you for all your hard work.
3 days ago
It's disappointing she didn't talk about the fact that America and NATO want to allow Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with NATO weapons. We're literally on the edge of World War 3, and nuclear war.
1 reply
4 days ago
can't be said too often, too many people were put in prison for J6
4 days ago
Now Us is doing the same thing with China in South China sea
11 hours ago
4 days ago
Fascist is, as fascist does.
4 days ago
4 days ago
Hat down…
2 days ago
in Ireland they jail a school teacher who rejects the transgenderism 3.0 religion
2 days ago
Now that US have decided to deploy their most advanced missile system in Germany, they will try to do the same thing in Japan and Korea. The warmongers never learn from past mistakes.
3 days ago
Ever since this conflict began, the nuclear option was on the table.
Anyone who says anything else is simply lying.
On one side there is a country with the largest nuclear stockpile in the world (Russia) on the other side there is the only country which has used a nuclear weapon in a conflict. (USA)
America is the worst ally in the world.
1) America didn't Let Brexit happen in Britain.
2) America destroyed the Nord stream 2 pipeline in Germany.
3) America sabotaged the Australia's Submarine deals with France.
To be an enemy of US is dangerous but to be a friend is absolutely lethal: Henry Kissinger
It almost looks like The Americans are destroying Europe deliberately along with European Elites.
1 reply
4 days ago
Didnt germans knows that mission of nato is to keep uS in , germany down and russia out in the words of the lst nato chief appointed by uS? .
4 days ago (edited)
All praise to Almighty God; let all of humanity, honestly seek truth , and desire peace among all of humanity: let’s dispel the lies , and hypocrisy of those who are in power, and is drunken with arrogance; blindness and madness! whose soul existence is to infuse lies , and is willing to create the atmosphere! filled with lies. All praise to Almighty God amen.
4 days ago
Germany is a joke.
3 days ago
We shouldn't forget , that Soviet Union was led by Stalin and Beria - native georgians , Khruschew - a native ukrainian , Brezhnew and his defence minister Gretchko - both native ukrainians . Yet Soviet Union is usually connected now with Russia
11 hours ago
The hairstyle makes me laugh. Is she trying to mimic a Stahlhelm?
4 days ago
1 day ago
Thirty years ago, while at Bangor University, I was asked what country I thought would be responsible for WWIII etc. Simple, the USA. The USA is the biggest aggressor and has been for the last 100 years. They need to make America great by solving their own poverty, stop poisoning their own people via food crops, so changing agriculture and become a competitive producer of goods. Not trying to take over the world.
11 hours ago
Censorship harm citizens
2 days ago
That’s probably the most brutal haircut since Adolph
9 hours ago
The world need leaders of this caliber who have knowledge, foresight and ability to connect history with the present in order to progressively resolve current problems and challenges the world phases, for achievement of global peace throgh recognition and respect for various states sovereignty, security and their cultural practices that give value to social cohesion in their respective countries. Indeed NATO and USA are been exposed unfortunately at the expense of innocent Ukrainians perishing in these war.
1 day ago
Excellent excellent speech. Heard with rapt attention… rare on youtube
1 day ago
Worthwhile topic and expression. Unfortunately I don't wish to make such a time commitment. (Edit for brevity?)
16 hours ago
Is that womans hair glued on?
15 hours ago
I'm not a professor. But when a layperson notices basic issues with what a professor says, maybe there's a problem.
We, in Hungary, would have been very happy if Russia had been a fresh entity after the Soviet Union. Perhaps we wouldn't have been extorted to pay back expensive, over valued, "infrastructure improvements," to Russia, perhaps the reverse of what should have happened as the Soviets benefitted from Hungarian resources. You can't have it both ways.
NATO didn't expand as a conquering force. I'm sitting here, in Budapest, and I will tell you, confidently, that we Hungarians wanted NATO and despite being bombarded by constant Russian propaganda, most of us still want NATO.
She, of course, glosses over and explains away the fact that NATO is a defensive treaty. This is highlighted by Orbán Viktor, who would not support aggressive action by any NATO member states, and isn't required to, yet doesn't consider leaving NATO.
And why? When Russians proudly wave the Soviet flag. When Alexander Dugin presents the reconstitution of the Soviet states as the goal of becoming a foil to the United States' singular pole. Putin himself met with and supported the Night Wolves, the Donetsk, para-military biker gang and romanticized with them about the former Soviet empire.
The Putin plan, with innumerable evidence, is Krimea, Ukraine, Moldova, Etc...
What right do they have for this? What right do they have to Ukraine? The Ukrainian people don't want to be Russian. They voted to accept the EU trade deal, even those in Donetsk.
Will they have a similar right to Hungary? They're already softening the target with propaganda. They've been pushing this for years, including anti-Western articles from Sputnik and RT, translated into local far-right websites.
A peace plan can't involve, in good conscience, a gift of Ukrainian land to Russia, when their goal was taking all of Ukraine.
There was already a peace treaty, BTW, signed in Budapest, in which Russia agreed NOT invading Ukraine in exchange for the destruction of Ukrainian nuclear weapons.
I can only surmise, as she ties in other global conflicts, as if everything is orchestrated, that she's not a serious person or that she has a personal agenda.
1 day ago
YouTube's generic subtitles often confuses people when translating messages of importance. 1/10
4 days ago
Yeah think of your interest.. yours alone? What about love thy neighbour like yourself?
14 hours ago
Madame Prophesor,i want to gocratulate u,for the decreed analyses,and this a lesson for the yang,suppose politicians wohnotig and here always lie,due ignorance,and stupite TY!!!My Bravo,is really,master,historical speech and hope people they will benefited,and i trust we will in the near future,to here,more fromu,.,
17 hours ago
Seems this poor woman historian is trashed regularly in the German press. This situation is absurd & embarrassing for thinking people in Germany & the collective west.
1 day ago
Geemany has had the worlds best farmers
51 minutes ago
Neutrality does'nt fully exist. Everyone is biaised, at different degrees !
1 day ago
If only Germany would expand the nuclear energy program instead of shooting it down. Also Germany was buying gas from Russia outside of EU agreement and for a lower price. This was against rules set by Germany. No wonder that Germany is paying for oil more now.
12 hours ago
She's correct about the "political west" (euphemism) and the military bases.
1 day ago
Why isn’t she EU leader ! She can the world a better place
1 day ago
1 day ago
How can europe actually allow usa use their country to wage their wars ?
4 days ago (edited)
A comradely note to anyone who believes in the Ukraine war and in particular in the possibility of ‘winning’ against Russia. The basic reality check I use to form my opinion is this:
1) NATO promised Russia not to expand after its withdrawal from Eastern Europe.
2) For the past 1000 years the Russians have fought against invasions coming from its ‘soft underbelly’.
3) For the past 20 years Russia has repeatedly stated that NATO in Ukraine is THE red line.
4) The last time Russia defended against such an invasion and defended its Red line…the Russian nation sacrificed 27 million people to defeat Germany.
5) There does not seem to be any country in Europe that is willing and able to sacrifice 1 million let alone 3 or 5 or 10 million people.
6) To more objectively assess the west’s willingness to sacrifice in comparison to point 4 above, it is sufficient to note the hastily made retreat by 🇺🇸 from Afghanistan. The losses that triggered this retreat or in fact technically a military route were 2.5k casualties and 20k injured.
4 days ago
She forgot about the Mongolian hordes and the ottoman empire
14 hours ago (edited)
No, the situation does not "begin with the dissolution of the Soviet Union". This begins deep in Russia's history of destroying the diversity of wider Slavic peoples for its own ends. It is like saying the Gaza War has it roots on 7 October 2023.
4 days ago
I am not as erudite and trained as this journalist, but understood roughly the same and commented so in the initial stages of the US/RUSSIA war. Someone commented back that I seemed to be a Russian bot. Obviously, there are a lot of lunatics commenting on utube. Can't read the writing on the wall?
1 day ago
Are we keeping an eye on the "Antisemometer" ? At C33: she implied that USG did not have a "God given right" to go around the world making sure no countries were trading or becoming economicly secure !!
How dare She !
2 days ago
Just cannot understand why Scholtz has less than 20% of this lady. Or is Scholtz been steadfastly abstinate ? Deutsche people should think over current situation.
4 days ago
If the Europe economy collapsed and infrastructure destroyed by war, who is the beneficiary of such catastrophe? USA will gain all benefits by providing Europe with loan, weapon, manufacturing and service as what it did after ww2
1 day ago
Germany has no peace treaty in place.with america?
2 days ago
Love you🇱🇧🇵🇸🇷🇺🇧🇷
4 days ago
The Soviet Union should have adopted the Chinese economic model.
1 day ago
6 hours ago
America ,do not trust urip.
4 days ago
Dear Dr, this war has another target besides Russia, Ukraine...the EU economy is the biggest loser in this conflict, would you think...clever USA, no damage to their economy or soil.
1 day ago
Stop the war, & we all accept responsibility & no 1 gets arrested or charged, we just put common sense 1st, stop fighting wars altogether & respect this planet like we ought to have done from the beginning, not a lot to ask for is it
4 days ago
What’s with all the bloody ads
4 days ago
Yes, but this is only the short version of the story, there is infinitely more and it starts with the Napoleonic Wars and Britain's methods and policies which the US inherited.
- You also have to look at the long-term psychological manipulation of the people carried out by the USA and NATO for 30 years, they have all this time worked on and prepared what happened, and therefore they have also succeeded in deceiving the entire population of the Western world.
And one of the leading minds behind this plan, is the famous Swedish former minister Carl Bildt, a secret American agent since the early 1990s, key person behind spreading propaganda to expand NATO, create the war in Ukraine and prepare for the US to conquer the whole world.
- "One country, One ideology, One leader"...
- as Biden says... 'I'm running the world'...
- modeled after Hitler's words - "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer" The US thinks it was a good idea, but is not satisfied with as little as ONE... country, US want them all…
4 days ago
7 hours ago
Lol? Dieser Vortrag von Fr. Krone-Schmalz ist Monate her
3 days ago
2 days ago
Is not western mistake rather than the nature of the beast, repeated act the same for making the critical choice
3 days ago
What a bunch of lies
12 hours ago
NO you can NOT easealy convert defensive missile systems to offensive systems, that is simply incorrect.
1 day ago
In terms of National Interests, this comprehensive journalism presented, gives the informed citizen, clarity and understanding concerning National Security. Understanding a Nations Interest should encourage participating Nations Security arrangements but the hegemony apparatus currently exercised by the United States of America Economically and Militarily as I am given to understand impacts divisively our ability to move forward, we are forced to consider any ramifications with the United States of America before developing our own National Security. Russia has been the only Nation able to give us some semblance of Balance but in fact there has never been any balance of Power since the dismantling of the old Union of Soviet Socialist Russia. It seems obvious that there needs be a balance of power restored but that future needs be a Russian Alliance with Europe and China Iran and North Korea or frustratingly move forward with what we have and invest as mush as we can into changing the Status Quo within our mutually secured interest of the United States of America. Anyhu is what I understand in relation to Ukrainian Russian War
12 hours ago
Who controls (funds) NATO?
1 day ago
She is right about Putin, west lies.
4 days ago
I like Von De Crazies synopsis better.
Russia's economy is "in tatters, tatters I say"
"Washing machine chips"
4 days ago
What about Minsk Agreement?
4 days ago
3 hours ago
Falling down 17 Tim .
3 days ago
Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz is sometimes described as "Putinversteher", a German political buzzword (Putin + verstehen), which literally translates "Putin understander", i.e. "one who understands Putin"
1 reply
1 day ago
16 hours ago (edited)
Regardless of Western complicity and malfeasance, each and every major nation is ultimately responsible for its own affairs, particularly Russia. It is one thing to buy off a Pacific island state, another to own Russia to the point of becoming primariy responsible for its actions. And those actions include war crimes in a number of states, well before Ukraine. Then, we have the declared intention to reestablish the old USSR, including invading and dominating free nation states. If Putin's concern was or is governance, violating international law was and is not the way to fix it. TL;DR: It was Russian tanks that rolled into Ukraine across undefended, peaceful borders, not the other way around. As for NATO expansion, it was the ex-Soviet states that sought it in self defense.
3 days ago
What's most amazing about the information age, is the fact that the better educated the general public, the more reliant it is upon expert opinion...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Beef was cooked in 1991 with Yugoslavia war.
Germany was quick to mingle in, ahead of US that stayed behind till 1992.
Hopefully Germany comes to its sences in time and stays away from Anglo Saxon, WASP, mess tis time.
4 days ago
Same kind of aura, persona, presence, style and authority as that horrible woman von der Leyen but so, so, so different...
22 hours ago
1 day ago
I started listening with interest until she mentioned the politically correct 'Russian Oligarchs' instead of 'Jewish Oligarchs', which was the fact. They took over the USSR with the assistance of the powerful Jewish led mafia, the same mafia that recruited Lee Havey Oswald, then in Russia, to be the fallguy for the JFK assassination in November 1963. No, I am not antisemetic one bit. I am merely a person who likes to stick to facts because this is the only way we can see mistake situations clearly in order to improve them.
4 days ago
Jako loš prevod .
1 day ago
1 day ago
So NATO needed to be restructured in her words. So where would you place the line of those within the defensive umbrella and those outside ? Also would someone please tell me as I always get total silence when I ask .Where has NATO expanded eastwards ?
16 hours ago
Just to complete the picture: GKSs statements are broadly criticised in Germany as being Moscow-fed, disinformative and not based by facts. Oh, and her first name is written with just one "l".
7 hours ago
4 days ago
Didn't see a lot a young people in the audience.
7 hours ago
Watch Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explain it in 3,5 mins = Blackrock.
1 day ago
4 days ago
She looks like a Romulan from Star Trek, lol.
11 hours ago
Is this video available in English on other platforms? It’s brilliant and MUST be shared far and wide. But YouTube makes it painful to watch with so many ad interruptions! Can you upload this full length English version to your podcast channel?
4 days ago
I’m just happy that VW is closing, and Leica can’t even produce lens’ at this point.
1 reply
4 days ago
There is one Truth is missing
15 hours ago
Well she structured her talk well and it was very easy to understand. She is also avoiding everything contradictory and gives no solution to the most pressing issues, does Ukraine has a right to be a sovereign state? She seems to be proposing that peace is more important than keeping Ukraine a sovereign state and the reason why her talk is best understood in that direction is that Russia has been clear that a sovereign Ukraine does not exist. Putin is willing to accept a puppet state in which Ukrainians run around pretending that they are a country, well for a few years. I like the fact that there is a critical attempt in the talk but by solely blaming everything on the west and the US it falls short of its critical aim. Therefore it is very understandable that she has been accused of spreading Putins propaganda. Although I have to admit it was a bit more cleaver and well presented propaganda than Im used to. It's not so hard to take a position that is as slippery as hers.
3 days ago
4 days ago
1 day ago (edited)
Did you got paid by FSB in roubles or in USD?!
4 days ago
classic, best of the best, that's what makes europeans superior people, there kindness and tru freedom warriors
4 days ago
Some where here seeds were planted: Washington D.C., December 12, 2017 – US Secretary of State James Baker's famous assurance of NATO expansion "not an inch eastward" at his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990 was part of a series of assurances about Soviet security given to Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials during the German reunification process in 1990 and 1991, according to declassified US, Soviet, German, British and French documents released today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University
2 days ago
The name of that newspaper sounds to much like nazzismting
4 days ago (edited)
Privatization was the largest eastern european scam. Russia is not the only country that literally gave things away. In my country entire factories were sold for less than the worth of the metal in the factories at scrap metal values. There were so called public auctions, however the bidders were pre selected. Western companies robbed eastern europe of everything of worth once the ussr collapsed by taking advantage of the chaos and the legal ambiguity of moving from a centralized economy to a privatized economy. When the english started complaining about how they state privatized the railroad and was sold for nothing (turns out bribes were involved, who would have thought) i was very confused. I was thinking aren't you they? Turns out people in the west had no idea what their corporations and governments were doing abroad, and all their point about how it's our fault for making bad deals (as if bribed politicians are just bad businessmen) just evaporated in the ether. Enjoy, we have been dealing with these problems for years. Welcome to the eastern european experience. You weren't spared, you were saved for last
14 hours ago
13 hours ago
Michael you look this werry interesting is this woman
1 day ago
Que pena que este artículo no este en espanol
3 days ago
Don't mind ME I'm a Parrot ️🇩🇪
3 days ago
8 hours ago
I listened to 6 minutes of ads. Then your video played for less than a minute and another 6 minutes of ads. I even paid for a YouTube subscription and still ads. This is the new form of censorship from YouTube. We used to be able to skip the ads. I will never buy from an advertiser under these circumstance’s. Youtube obviously don’t want us to hear your message.
1 day ago
1 day ago
LEE Kuan Yew of Singapore..was asked...before he pass on....he named Putin as the best current European leader ! PUTIN TOOK OVER A BROKEN RUSSIA HE RESTORED RUSSI RUSSIAN PRIDE AND INSTITUTIONS
19 hours ago
Long live Putin. Long live Russia.
4 days ago
10 hours ago
Isn't this a fantastic opportunity for Germany to take a leadership role in the world towards peace and prosperity, and turn us away from the direction of lunacy that we are heading in?
No one is hoping for any reasonable leadership from the US, or from anyone in the EU, except maybe from the smaller states like Hungry and Slovakia; but this is a too big a burden for the smaller states to bear. Germany is the only one in Europe that has the political and economic broad enough shoulders to bear this heavy burden.
This could be an opportunity of the century, and Germany is the only one who is in the perfect position to grab at such a rare opportunity. It could even be a blessing in disguise that the US and the West are led by such a cast of utter disappointments as they are, with no obvious relief on the horizon (with the exception of Trump maybe). An opportunity like this for Germany to shine might not come around again for a long time.
If Germany turns against this warmongering and perpetual economic destruction pushed by the west, then who is there in the whole world to stop them? This is a time for courage you German people. I can see you doing this; and who in the world can realistically oppose you?
The US has done enough economic damage to you. If you bring Russia to the negotiations table, and then re-start the NordStream gas again, this will INSTANTLY compensate you for any imaginable economic penalty the US can think of placing on you to punish you for your peacemaking.
Germany is in a unique position in history, in that it is the only country in the world that can actually change the world right now! Who else is there in the world right now, who is in such a unique position to be able to do so much good for the world as Germany is at this very moment?
This is not just a great favor you would be doing to the whole world; this would also be an economic boom for your country by reintroducing the cheap energy that your industry craves, which would in turn nearly instantly restart your ailing economy.
Go you amazing Germans; please do it now!!!!!!
4 days ago
3 days ago
11 hours ago
Wow, so many lies in just one hour...
1 day ago
So fucking true
7 hours ago
Just explain to me how Ukraine attacked or invaded Russia please.
1 day ago (edited)
Nothing is new, why the confession today? Putin is a political and strategic genius with a very humble attitude until he is forced tp make moves.
1 day ago
Western propaganda triumphs!!!!
Gorbachev perceived a Europe that could extend from Rotterdam to Vladivostok . This could have been a truly powerful comunuty in the internationsl scene. The US could not allow that and we have an EU slave to the US!!!!
4 days ago
1 day ago
Europe supposedly gave us our independence in Africa but remain colonised themselves by the Yankee,
13 hours ago
I can see why the west should change its behaviour and relations with Russia... but what is in it for Russia? Their economy is growing and they are creating new ties and relations with the rest of the world who don't despise them and treat them like monsters or children. I am sure Russia would prefer better relations with the west but how is that possible now with HATO stated goals of destroying Russia and breaking it up like they did with Yugoslavia?
1 day ago
There are always two sides to a coin. None of the two sides are ever speaking the full truth. Each side will onnly disclose what is in their interest and agenda. From outright lies to circumvented evidence, it is the world of politics and therefore as transparant as a bunker.
One of the main problems finding out about the status of a war is that original war correspondents as in WWII do not excist anymore. Most news has to come via the digital way which is just as unreliable as the media way. Taking sides in a conflict depends on your sentiment, finding ever out the real truth? No way!
4 days ago
Where did she get her Romulan wig from????
4 days ago
1 day ago (edited)
Last few paragraphs of a brilliant letter from a Syrian refugee (Dentist).
"...The support of these “rebel groups” is often explained by alleged attacks or threatened attacks on the civilian population. Video recordings and photos are used as proof. However, many cases in the past, as well as the incidents of Chemnitz, have shown that one has to examine and question such material very closely. For Syria, it is almost always the same source, namely the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). It is a single man, an exiled Syrian, living in London since 2010, sympathizing with the Muslim Brotherhood and distributing their footage to the media. This systematically divided the society in Syria. People were sectarianised and played to each other. Would not it make sense to scrutinize this “evidence” before taking the far-reaching decision to join an international coalition and become involved in a war contrary to international law?
Even with the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which certainly existed according to Colin Powell and Tony Blair, one could have learned a lesson from history.
It is time to admit that the federal government has been operating the wrong policy in Syria and has sided with the wrong side. The visible reason – and that is really sad – is that the Federal Government is committed to defending and defending American interests. That Germany has a specific role to play, but has no independent and self-confident foreign policy — that’s what I call the mother of all problems.
Dear Mrs. Merkel, I know that here I am just a Syrian with an asylum-stay. My existence here in Germany is a collateral damage from a war that makes no sense; my voice is all that I have now. And I do not know if my lines will ever reach you. But if you are really concerned about the welfare of the Syrians at home and abroad, please lift the sanctions against Syria. Set the course to establish a friendship between the West and the Middle East. Finish the honeymoon with the radicals, with the terrorists, but also with the so-called political Islam, both inside and outside Germany. These are the wrong contacts, and that is completely obvious. Stop the delivery of weapons into war zones and send to the people of the Middle East and the world love, education and culture from the heart of Europe instead of conflict and warfare.
Mrs Merkel, the world has changed, the power structure has shifted. Please make that change and ensure that Germany is properly positioned for the future.
Yours sincerely,
Majd Abboud
10 Jan 2019The support of these “rebel
3 days ago
Blasphemy !!
4 days ago
It would be great to have this video translated also in Italian. Any chance to do so?
8 hours ago
One question I have, why has Putin say he preferred the democrats in power in America like Biden and kamala? I agree looking at our own society it our job, it doesn’t discount the wrong of others, but one thing I hate is the constant attack on German everything! It drives extremes in German politics to act meek and German society to be so subdued that it creates bitterness and extremes deep driven, which if I’m not mistaken created ww2! I hope Poland and Germany can deal with their Prussian past and move in efficiently! But the way we baited Japan to war, I fear we’re doing that with Russia, im not pro Russia, im pro dealing with things not handing over more resources to the same people destroying our society! The fact it takes this much for a German or Austrian to just speak clearly and support independent thought says it all
4 days ago
She is a knows Putinversteher or Putin- Empathyzer. She has close ties to Moscow since the late 80’s. She didn’t ”destroy NATO” she is parroting ruzzian lies.
1 day ago
oh man how old is she ? she just discover that lies r part of war too ? ridiculous !
3 hours ago
Slick piece of Russian propaganda.
1 day ago
I don't even know of anything any side, or whatever the hell's going on... has even said, at all. I don't even know why I'm watching this cuz I don't care
4 days ago
ma'am, say it loud, say it proud: WESTERN OLIGARCHS. not "the west", genericly. i mean, sure. the states did benefit. but, also, western oligarchs
1 day ago
YT deletes my comments.
4 days ago
When one speaks of democracy, one speaks of a lie when one wants to involve the Western powers. It is not the people who have the capacity to decide the way in which resources will be used so that they benefit everyone and not just a minority, disproportionately. Resources that were also obtained with violence and in the case of capitalism, with the subjugation of "subordinate" countries.
The origin of the problem in Ukraine/Russia did not begin with the dissolution of the socialist block, but much earlier, with the design of the British colonialist geopolitical doctrine (Makinder et al) that was adopted by the USA when Truman assumed power. There was a containment in the eastern mass while the USSR existed. That is to say, what this person says began with the dissolution of the USSR, is only a continuation. The USA had been working on this formula since the fifties with the rearming of Germany and later, its reunification, against what the neighboring countries wanted. Germany is fundamental in the eastern mass, as is Russia. The English doctrine was based on the division of this mass so that they could not unite against it. Ukraine is only a continuation of this geopolitical design, with the historical genocidaires as fundamental allies: the Germans, who have helped to expand NATO, completely outside its original statutes.
1 day ago
..and yet what makes this woman so annoying?
4 days ago
2 days ago
This is awful. She starts out declaring lofty intellectual values, a politically impartial stance, and providing some relevant and correct background knowledge, only to slide into exactly the opposite. Disgusting.
3 days ago
The historian and Russia expert Klaus Gestwa accused her of adopting the narratives of Russian propaganda without critical distance. He assessed her "as a political influencer who has found her journalistic business model in explaining Russian war policy and in doing so foregoes the necessary critical distance and reflection or only pretends to do so in order to appeal to the audience. Anyone who takes the trouble to think through Krone-Schmalz's argumentation strategy will realize that hardly anything about it is correct or important." She plays no role in science, he says, he has never seen her decades-old "thin" dissertation cited and she has never published in any specialist journal, especially not on Russian-Ukrainian relations. She ignores research results on Ukrainian right-wing extremism and instead follows his exaggeration from Moscow, she downright "demonizes" the democratic Euromaidan, and she reverses the blame for the Donbas war in a way that contradicts the facts. She has not worked in Russia since the 1990s, but she enjoys making blanket criticisms of journalistic colleagues. Her own books do not meet any scientific standards
1 reply
3 days ago
The ownership hierarchy: America owns the EU and NATO. Israel own all of them. 40:12
16 hours ago
3 days ago
15 hours ago
Im distracted by her hair style
1 day ago (edited)
If you want further understanding of what the natural resource poor western 🇺🇸 European nations are up to check out the heartlands theory
18 hours ago
Really Childish……
4 days ago
1 day ago
4 days ago
37:45 cruel
3 days ago
moreover, aside of sorts... very few americans or westerners have any idea the number of high ranking CIA agents who become media spokespersons, politicians, unelected secretaries of this or that, corporate behemoths, few have any consciousness of the revolving door that makes the state work for those who so arrange it, making any and all criticism of KGB ties beyond stupid or empty,
worse than fallacious...!
3 days ago
This bible verse describes the west perfectly: "“There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one. Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit; The poison of asps is under their lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Romans 3:10)
4 days ago
Why not in German?
1 day ago
the countries that will allow to be used as platform to hit russia WILL HAVE TO EXPECT NUCLEAR RESPONSE!! Refering to POLAND, Yes and RUMANIA too!! THIS IS NOT GONA BE LIMITED RESPONSE, Watch russian news you will understand how much danger your countries are in becouse of your politicians!!
19 hours ago
This is vacuous twaddle. Lots of paid-for comments that also say nothing. Sad state of journalism.
2 days ago
Hello. How can I get a copy off this talk in English, please? And is there a transcript to this video in English? Thank you for your patience and help R.
4 days ago
Both of you can not tell the difference between fire and rain.
1 day ago
Add fascist to her title
4 days ago
Bitte etwas weniger click bait titles! Es wirkt reduzierend auf den Inhalt des Vortrages von Gabriele Krone-Schmalz. Danke!
3 days ago
Good video… waaaaay too many ads …
1 day ago
Russian propaganda.
17 hours ago
Too many ads !!!!!
4 days ago
Nice hair
2 days ago
intelligent policy?ukraine war didt happen overnight, it was 16 years in the making,us knew what they wanted to do. just like everyw
18 hours ago (edited)
She’s not a military specialist. E.g. tactics, geography, strategy, weather. She could watch some YouTube. But a good analysis otherwise.
4 days ago
From when was this talk?
1 day ago
At some stage, the speaker says correctly that "explaining" is not "justifying" . Correct. And then she embarks on a long discourse, that explains why the Russian bully behaves the way it does. Yeah. But, lady, explaining what lead the bank robber to attack the bank does not justify it. Stop your propaganda of the indefensible.
1 day ago
After Poland regained its independence the Bolsheviks attacked Poland Trying to spread communism westward and lost,So if you lose some land afterwards that's the price you pay, saying Stalin had the right to regain it after the war I don't agree with that comment.
4 days ago
14 hours ago
Ivory tower theorist "social scientist" crap.
4 days ago
In the couple of days that I couldn't watch you, you've got a slight stubble. It's nice to see that you're coming of age as a grown man. But seriously, it suits you.
13 hours ago
You can gloss over Putin and Russian past history with moralistic, soothing diatribe, but the fact remains that this warmonger has decimated his own people, using over half a million as 'canon-fodder'!
As you seem to be an apologist for Russia, I wonder, what 'incentives' have been applied (as is happening in the US) to facilitate your dialogue?
4 days ago
Dont menton the war or Stalingrade
4 days ago
Can the West listen?
1 day ago
This is pathetic. Blind Freddy could see though this propagandists lies and misrepresentation.
4 days ago
️ ️🇫🇮
4 days ago
Unquestionably part of Russia's plan to resurrect the boundaries of the old USSR means that Russia expects to take parts of Poland and Germany. I wonder if this woman will celebrate that division?
3 days ago
Well-educated you are Ms. Krone-Schmalz. Seems like Europe has been forgetting which are their interests. At same time the world has forgotten how important is to have peace and mutual agreement.... But off Couse, there is a country whose priorities are more important that the global peace. "Democracy it is said with a proud mouth'' and if you try to explain, give arguments, etc. You are shut by being tell you are pro-Russian or communist, etc. I wonder where the ''supposed to be democracy lovers" are going to live after a nuclear war that is coming ahead.
Actually, democracy would bring peace to the world.
As long as it is convenient for me, that is their democracy, which is not a democratic idea.
Unfortunately, European parliament just allowed Ukraine to attack Rusia with missiles... seems like the world is going to be over... Just because we have globally to admit and allow the interest for just one country.
15 hours ago
Language is important... How about the russians calling Ukranians or anyone fighting against Russian aggression for Nazis?.. Or Putin comparing himself to Peter the Great... Ant then calling the war a special military operation.. This journalist clearly thinks that Ukraine will eventually loose the war and she would certainly be right about this if the germans had not opposed the neo-emperialist autocrats in Moscow.. Ukraine as a small country compared to Russia needs all the aid it can get in this war agains a Russian regime hell bend on rebuilding a russian empire....NATO consists of 32 sovereign states and Russia with Putin as the supreme leader demands to have his security interests recognized as equal not to any of the individual states in the alliance but to all the 32 states in NATO... Talk about a distorted sense of reality... Sweden and Finland joined NATO because they realized that Putin and the Russian leadership thinks of Russia as a Nation with a special historic right to dominate all their neighbours and using military power to do so. This journalist with her focus on history seems to agree with Putin and accept that countries like Finland or the Baltics joining NATO is violating Russias right to violently oppose other nations choice of security agreements.
2 days ago (edited)
why doesnt she expose elon musk ? if she dares? or ask me to expose it all. im right here.
like...selling cybertrucks to kadirov :)
11 hours ago
Sorry, not convincing.
4 days ago
Wo kann man den Originalton finden?
4 replies
1 day ago
3 days ago
1 day ago
Talking..if not.go
Bricks..Europe dump.wef&neocons..
Scmiede theo.jilderts
Ich tanke.sie...vrouw...frau
7 hours ago
Apologetic pro-Kremlin siloviki propaganda, I see!
4 days ago
German intellectual LOL
2 days ago
Are they destroyed now by the journalist?
So we are safe now!
Or you can only talk on YT and realistically do ...nothing.
4 days ago
So ein Quatsch ... immer haben wir schuldt, nie die Russen !!!
4 hours ago
What nonsense... Fast and loose with the facts, misrepresentation of very well understood facts.
6 hours ago
russian agent
4 days ago
This woman has lost her mind.
1 day ago
Krone Schmalz Is extremely pro Russian and it shows at every corner.
Russia violated sovereign Ukrainian territory and there’s no other way to spin this.
Zero points for her opinion,which resembles starkly russian propaganda.
In contrast Peter Scholl-Latour was an extremely prolific journalist and his view on Russia was very realistic, not like in this video what we see here.
Do you understand Russia you must go back to Catherine the great and not Gorbachev.
Zero points
8 hours ago
An apologist for Putin. In the tradition of Russian propaganda there is not one negative comment. Nice clumsy and heavy handed pro-Putin propaganda lecture comrade.
1 day ago
Listen, listen, Radio Moscow is speaking!
1 reply
7 hours ago
It's quite strange that in her recollections of the past, the lady doesn't mention the reasons for NATO’s creation, Stalin’s crimes, or the numerous wars initiated by the USSR and Russia. There was also no acknowledgment of Ukraine as a sovereign state with the full right to choose its own allies, nor any reference to the will of the Ukrainian people. In my view, this is a very one-sided criticism of the West. International law exists, and the fact that it may have been violated by others in the past does not justify Russia violating it now.
4 days ago
Hegelian, in the worse sence, then ballasted with ponderous and pedantic moral sermonizing. No new finding about anything. Waste of time.
1 day ago
18 hours ago
She got medail from Putin in 2008.
4 days ago
Russian propaganda
4 days ago
But damn German Journalist it's still a lot of lies stop lying and it will be interesting
4 days ago
she is on russian payroll since 90s
1 day ago
Frist of all, NATO expansion hasn't touch any of russia native lands countries make choices, Fact #1. Secondly putin aggression is needed to be debatable ? ?? So many lives lost, countries came to advise putin, but he still carry out anyway. What is debatable ? When I come into hse, do I need arrange debate session if I should take over ur house ? Fact #2.
Basically, she is just a mouthpiece for moscow. See how brave am I to correct a "Professor" , I should be a journalist too ! I just exposed a channel of hypocrite.
So many died from the windows. How time flies. And NATO haven't threw anyone out of the windows or blow up a plane! Period.
1 reply
4 days ago
Is it putin speaking
1 day ago
She overlooks the fact that Russia bombed Syria, invaded Afghanistan, Georgia and Ukraine including Crimea. She criticises Nato for expanding eastwards and overlooks the fact that Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Georgia hated being occupied by Russian bullies. Putin complains about the eastward Nato expansion for one reason - it prevents Russia from expanding westwards.
She tries to justify Russia's behaviour by referring to old history just like Putin does.
She asks for candid fact based assessment then overlooks the straightforward fact of Russian aggression, arms buildup, lies and ridiculous propaganda.
The audience has clearly been selected for their brainwashed views.
17 hours ago
I tried to watch this, but it’s full of holes and lies I can’t give it any attention.
4 days ago
Your bias is showing.
Whatever the name of this channel it immediately used non-neutral wording in the intro.
1 reply
4 days ago
Gemany is a NATO member.. The US NATO bases in Germeny is not the US 'occupying' Germany.. Considering Russias antics, this time is really a bad time for all of us in Europe to make the Americans go away.. (Well, that might happen anyway if Trump gets elected.)
1 day ago
What is Putin paying for this shit?
1 day ago
Russan asset!
6 hours ago
More geopolitical "realist" bullshit. At no time did any think, dream, scheme or imagine invading Russia. Russia has territorial disputes with CHina and Japan, not with any NATO country. NATO was and remains a defensive alliance. Countries have to apply for membership, have to meet strict criteria, and need the unanimous vote of existing members. NATO expansion was not an aggressive move towards Russia: rather, when the Warsaw Pact collapsed and later the Soviet Union dissolved itself, the former Soviet satellites and Baltic SSRs rushed to get under NATO's umbrella to get away from the rapacious empire that had occupied and manipulated them for centuries. You try telling my Polish family that the collapse of the People's Republic in 1989 and membership in NATO and the EU was anythng but a blessing and a relief. Even the Russian-speaking minority in Estonia, though it has sentimental ties with Russia, would rather master the difficult Estonian language and enjoy the benefits of the EU and NATO than be rules by a megalomaniac in Moscow.
Oh, these academics are constantly under pressure to publish, to come up with something new, something that challenges prevailing views. Some are geniuinely innovative, others recycle old ideas, long-forgotten with good reason. The "realist" mindset would take us back to the state of affairs after the Congress of Vienna, with protectorates, spheres of influence, and peace guaranteed by imperial alliances. WWI showed how well that worked out. WWII showed how inadequate the protections of Versailles were, so the victorious powers (including the Soviet Union) created the UN and the Security Council (on which Putin has a veto). Various subsequent treaties, signed by the USSR or Russia, were also meant to promote respect for borders and the peaceful resolution of disputes. In the Budapest Memorandum, the US, the UK and Russia agreed to protect Ukrainian sovereignty. NATO, the US and UK have honoured those agreements, while Russia aims to go back 105 years to the Age of Empires. Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies had to learn the folly of tearing up the international order the hard way. Now it's Putin's turn.
I know, I'm a historian specializing in that part of the world, with family connections in Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Sweden. I follow expert debates, not punditry.
3 days ago
OMG so much BS.
3 days ago
where talks like this will lead. what a bullshit
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